1. Re: Primes

>Here is my version of a prime number generator.  Originally copied from a
>magazine in the early 80's, and optimized on my then TI-99/4A.  It is written
>a little different than yours and on or both of the programs may need some
>modification for a true speed test.
>I've documented it as much as I can.  Hope this is useful.
>Mike Dickey
>-- Filename > prime.ex
>-- Generate prime numbers below h (less than 100000, formatted output)
>-- By Michael Dickey
>integer h, l, f
>atom t1, t2
>h = 10000                              -- enter your upper limit here
>t1 = time()                            -- start time
>for x = 1 to h by 2 do                 -- test every odd # from 1 to h
>l = 0                                  -- control variable
>f = floor( sqrt( x ))                  -- define y loop limit
>  for y = 3 to f by 2 do               -- test every odd # 3 -> f
>    if remainder(x, y) = 0 then        -- all prime #'s will have a remainder
>      l = 1                            -- set if x is not prime
>      exit                             -- exit y loop, goto next x
>    end if
>  end for                              -- exit y loop normally, x is prime
>  if l = 0 then                        -- skip if not prime
>    printf (1, "%5d \t", x)            -- print all x's that are prime
>  end if
>end for
>t2 = time() - t1                       -- execution time
>printf(1, "\n Run Time = %2.2f", t2)
Arthur P. Adamson, The Engine Man, euclid at isoc.net

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