1. Re: goto / global variables

> >Craig Gilbert wrote:
> >>Read-only?  Isn't that essentially what a 'constant' is?
> >Not exactly.  By read-only I meant a local variable which is visible
> >globally.
> >Outside of its scope it could be read but not written to.
> >Colin Taylor
>         Gotcha.  At the local level it would be 'normal', externally it =
> seem like a gobal constant.
>         Quite a neat idea, actually.  A 'viewport' variable, obviating t=
he need
> for access functions to check on the state of local vars w/out endangeri=
> their state.

In theory this approach shouldn=B4t be taken, cause is against to
modern OO methodologies. As I stated in a previous mail, the best
solution would be to have STATIC variables, so to read the value of
an external variable (declared as static in other .e file)  you
should call a function (method?). Example:

--This is file MODULE.E
static myvar
global function read_myvar()
        return myvar
end function
global procedure write_myvar(atom value)
        myvar =3D value
end procedure
-- End file

-- This is file PROGRAM.EX
atom test_value
write_myvar(100)                --Now myvar holds the value '100'
test_value =3D read_myvar()     --test_value
write_myvar(test_value*2)       --Nowmyvar holds value '200'
myvar =3D 100                   --Error! you can't reach myvar directly
--End file

With this approach we can easily adopt OOP... each class definition
would be contained in a module file (.e), and there declare it's
methods. I think the posibility of declaring static variables isn't
hard to implemet (for RDS) and doesn't break Euphoria simplicity, and
the benefits would be worth it!

  Daniel Berstein
  danielberstein at usa.net

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