1. Re: Has anyone actually finished any games lately? and

>Have I missed anything?  I keep seeing "demos" and "tests" and
>"prototypes" haven't seen any actual games since, um, ahem,
>(which is way cool, I endorse it completely =)
>Where's the games?
>Do I have to come out of hiding and do ANOTHER one?

I'm actually about doing a version of Pente.  Anybody ever heard of it?
It used to be pretty popular and was actually created here in Stillwater,
Oklahoma where I currently live?  Well it wasn't created here it was
created in Japan, but it was first marketed and sold from here.

The point is I want to make it both one and two player possible so; being
a first time programmer, I'm working on the AI for the computer player
very slowly.

Hey Michael,  Do you think making skill levels for the computer player is
easier?  Or do you think it's possible to have the computer determine
your skill level as you play, using your name to determine you from other
players?  (This is for any game in general)


Thanks for the DBF info.  I'm working on a Euphoria version of a
Quickbooks like program (Still in design stage).  DBF compatibility at
first while creating it will help.  Also, will this mean I could have an
option to save a portion of the database (invoices, receipts, customers,
etc...)  as a Dbase compatible file for external use outside the program?

And your right.  Dbase compatibility will help alot.


Philip Lettkeman    phil.man at juno.com

"Every man has his price.  Mine just happens to be the love of my

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