1. Baptists and Disney

What is happening is that the Baptist convention thinks that Disney is
going against God by recognizing Gay marriages by giving Gay spouses of
employees the same benefits and insurance rights as they do straight
couples.  I personally think it's token anyway, because we have an entire
TV network owned by Disney.  As well as three other movie studios.  It's
all symbolic.

Now to Euphoria:

Daniel, are you going to have truly Dbase III+ compatible routines in the
next update of your dbf?  I have DBase and would enjoy being able to
write a full Euphoria program to access my databases.  This way I could
allow people to password their database and save it in Dbase III+ format
during management and the other people who enter normal data and use it
would be using a Euphoria program for it.

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2. Re: Baptists and Disney

> Daniel, are you going to have truly Dbase III+ compatible routines in the
> next update of your dbf?  I have DBase and would enjoy being able to
> write a full Euphoria program to access my databases.  This way I could
> allow people to password their database and save it in Dbase III+ format
> during management and the other people who enter normal data and use it
> would be using a Euphoria program for it.

Dbase III+ support will be reading/writing/deleting/packing/zapping
functions. It will handle memo fields as well. The "best" of the
library will be indexing, filtering, and perhaps tables
relationship.. but these features will be support for the "euphoria"
database format I'll develop. DBF file support will be available so
you can convert from one source to another. I know this will help a
lot of "bussiness" programmers 'cause many simple systems use DBF
database format. You can upgrade your customers software without
having to fight-to-death with their old databases.

  Daniel Berstein
  danielberstein at usa.net

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