1. Bit-Addon & Compression


Included in this mail is my eupbit.e
        It is an add-on which you can use instead of file.e
        It also replaces a few in-built routines.
        (puts, gets, getc, open, close, etc.)

        They will work the same way the built-in wil, but..

        you now have these 6 new routines also..

        +       put_bits (file_handle, boolean or bit-sequence)

        This routine will write out a bit or a sequence of bits to the
file_handle. Example:


        This will write the bits 1,0,1 to the screen. (Actually nothing is
written yet, until all the 8 bits are known.)
        You can also use it like this:


        Which will write bit 1 to the screen. But if you know write "Hello"
with puts, all the bits are moved one place!

        So to say things clearly... you can now write bytes and bits to any
file or device!!
        The rest of the routines are:

        + get_bit (file_handle)

                Returns one bit from file_handle

        + get_bits (file_handle, number of bits)

                Returns a sequence of bits

        + set_cp_normal (file_handle)

                Sets normal compression (lzh)
                Very slow.. but works.
                All output is compressed and/or all input is decompressed.

        + set_cp_off (file_handle)

                Turns compression off.

        + set_cp_full (file_handle)

Doesn't work yet, at this point it gives the same compression as
I am working on a lzh with binairy-tree.

        The compression is *very* slow, but at this point i was already happy
when it worked, i will now try to optimize it, i think a lot of
optimization can be done (to speed and size).
        For ya people out there knowing what lzh is, i now use 2(!!) bytes for
the look-up-table, but have already made restrictions that the table
can't be bigger than 32678. (12 bytes instead of 16)
        When i optimize this, the compression ratio will also increase.

        Enjoy until an upgrade....

(BTW I created this as an basis for EDOM 2)

BTW2 is there any1 out there that really understands arithematic.. (yeah
i know it is slower.. but in Euphoria the difference might not win,
since real-time data manulation in Euphoria is offcourse a lot slower
that in C or ASM (and sorry, but their code would also be lesss
complicated, cause i have to cover the bridge from the simplicity of
Euphoria to the complicated world of pc-dos/fat-file-system/bytes-bits
eh. you get my point)

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at xs4all.nl

(BTW3 Until i get some bugs out, the routine will not allow you to open
a file for update... simply because at this point i will corrupt the
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Eupbit.e"

    -- The trick is (a note to remember)...
      -- Setting a bit positive --> or_bits(i,val_pos[bit_to_set])
      -- Setinng a bit negative --> and_bits(i,val_neg[bit_to_set])
    -- I wrote this here so we all can look it up easily...

    -- BiTwIsE Add-On Alpha Version For Euphoria with problely many bugs.

    -- BBBBBBB         iii        TTTTTTTTTTTT
    --  BB  BB        iiiii           TTTT          & COMPRESSION
    --  BB  BB         iii             TT               c o m p r e s s i o n
    --  BBBBB   B_I_T         B_I_T    TT    B_I_T
    --  BB  BB    wise iii      wise   TT      wise
    --  BB  BB         iii             TT
    -- BBBBBBB        iiiii           TTTT          by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen

    -- FreeWare to all, please improve, change as you like.
    -- I'm *not* responsible for whatever happens to your computer your life,
    --      your pet, your haircut, etc.

                    -- SO USE AT YOUR OWN RISK --

------<<.. Euphoria BitWise Add-On & Built-In Compression Add-On ..>>--------

--      Completely programmed by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen.
--      For more information you can contact this 15-years old boy at:

--         .._/^home_addres^\_..  >|<  .._/^email_addres^\_..

--              Schoener 22       >|<
--              2401 MT           >|<    nieuwen at xs4all.nl
--              Alphen A/D Rijn   >|<
--              Holland           >|<

--      Please do so for any comment, question, bomb, etc.
--      If you use this code for anything commercial *please* give me a
--          a copy of your program, althrough it is your own choice.
--      This library is FreeWare !!!!

--      See the file 'readme.txt' for instructions for any how-to's.
--      Please report any bugs, language mistakes and misleading explenation
--          to above addresses. (Either by normal or e-mail)

---------------------<<.. Code starts here..>>-------------------------------

--<<.. Recommended settings are ..>>

        -- without type_check
        -- without warning
        -- without trace

--<<.. Constants & Locals ..>>

    constant val_pos = {  1,   2,   4,   8,  16,  32,  64, 128}
    constant val_neg = {254, 253, 251, 247, 239, 223, 191, 127}

    integer dummy_i                               dummy_i = 0

--<<.. Organizing the Bit Handlers ..>>

    sequence bit_pos        -- Saves the current bit position
    sequence cur_char       -- Saves the current character
    sequence read_mode      -- Saves the read-enable mode value
    sequence write_mode     -- Saves the write-enable value
    sequence cp_mode        -- Saves the compression mode
    sequence cs_mode        -- Saves the 'changed ?' mode

--<<.. Compression Tables ..>>

    sequence ctable         -- Saves the data tables for the compression
    sequence cfreq          -- Saves the table entries frequentie
    sequence cbc            -- Saves the tables binairy codes
    sequence cstack         -- Saves the stack
    sequence cpoint         -- Saves the update point
    sequence clast          -- Saves the last character written

    constant CP_OFF         =   0   -- No compression
    constant CP_NORMAL      =   1   -- Normal LZH compression
    constant CP_FULL        =   2   -- Huffman & LZH compression (slow)

    constant CP_UPDATE_RATE = 1        -- Update rate for frequency list
                                       -- Higher is speed+ and size-
                                       -- Lower is speed- and size+

    global integer CP_DEFAULT       -- Default compression method

    CP_DEFAULT = CP_OFF             -- No compression as default

--<<.. Initializing the default file-handlers (screen & error-out) ..>>

    -- Euphoria has two default file-handlers:
            -- + The terminal -the screen- output will generate ASCII-text
            -- + The error-out -the screen- output will generate ASCII-text

    -- I really *don't* know the use of the error-out, but it is supported

    bit_pos     = {1,1}             -- Both screen and error-out start normal
    cur_char    = {0,0}             --          + with value #00
    read_mode   = {0,0}             --          + non-readable device
    write_mode  = {1,1}             --          + writable device
    cp_mode     = {0,0}             --          + no-compression
    cs_mode     = {0,0}             --          + not changed yet

    ctable      = {{},{}}           --          + empty tables
    cfreq       = {repeat(0,256),repeat(0,256)}
    clast       = {0,0}
    cbc         = {repeat({},256),repeat({},256)}
    cstack      = {{},{}}
    cpoint      = {0,0}

--<<.. Types ..>>

    type bool_o ( object i )
    -- Boolean object
    -- either an atom of 1 or 0 or an 1D sequence with 1 and 0's
        if sequence(i) then
            for j = 1 to length(i) do
                if not atom(i[j]) then return 0 end if
                if i[j] != 0 and i[j] != 1 then return 0 end if
            end for
            return (i = 0) or (i = 1)
        end if
        return 1
    end type

    type file_handle ( integer f )
    -- File Handler object can NOT be negative
        return f >= 0
    end type

--<<.. Update Compression Routine ..>>

    procedure update_cp (file_handle f)
    atom min
    integer wim
        if length(cfreq) >= 32768 - CP_UPDATE_RATE then
            for d = 1 to CP_UPDATE_RATE do
                if length(cfreq) < 257 then return end if
                min = cfreq[f][1]
                wim = 1
                for j = 257 to length(cfreq[f]) do
                    if cfreq[f][j] > min then
                        min = cfreq[f][j]
                        wim = j
                    end if
                end for
                cfreq[f] = cfreq[f][1..wim-1] & cfreq[f][wim+1..length(cfreq)]
                ctable[f] = ctable[f][1..wim-1] & cfreq[f][wim+1..length(cfreq)]
            end for
        end if
    end procedure

--<<.. Real Routines ..>>  -- Still be able to call the built-in routines

    function real_open (sequence s1, sequence s2)
        return open(s1,s2)
    end function

    procedure real_close (file_handle i)
        if write_mode[i] then
            if cp_mode[i] then
                if clast[i] != 0 then
                    puts(i,remainder(clast[i], 256))
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end procedure

    procedure real_puts (file_handle f, object x)
        if cp_mode[f] then
            if sequence(x) then
                for j = 1 to length(x) do
                    if cpoint[f] = 0 then
                        cpoint[f] = CP_UPDATE_RATE
                        update_cp (f)
                    end if
                    if clast[f] = 0 then
                        clast[f] = x[j]
                        if clast[f] < 256 then
                            dummy_i = find ({clast[f],x[j]},ctable[f]) + 255
                            if dummy_i = 255 then
                                ctable[f] = append(ctable[f],{clast[f],x[j]})
                                cfreq[f]  = append(cfreq[f],1)
                                cfreq[f][clast[f]] = cfreq[f][clast[f]] + 1
                                puts(f,remainder(clast[f], 256))
                                clast[f] = 0
                                clast[f] = dummy_i
                            end if
                            dummy_i = find
 (append(ctable[f][clast[f]-255],x[j]),ctable[f]) + 255
                            if dummy_i = 255 then
                                ctable[f] =
                                cfreq[f]  = append(cfreq[f],1)
                                cfreq[f][clast[f]] = cfreq[f][clast[f]] + 1
                                puts(f,remainder(clast[f], 256))
                                clast[f] = 0
                                clast[f] = dummy_i
                            end if
                        end if
                    end if
                    cpoint[f] = cpoint[f] - 1
                end for
                if cpoint[f] = 0 then
                    cpoint[f] = CP_UPDATE_RATE
                    update_cp (f)
                end if
                if clast[f] = 0 then
                    clast[f] = x
                    if clast[f] < 256 then
                        dummy_i = find ({clast[f],x},ctable[f]) + 255
                        if dummy_i = 255 then
                            ctable[f] = append(ctable[f],{clast[f],x})
                            cfreq[f]  = append(cfreq[f],1)
                            cfreq[f][clast[f]] = cfreq[f][clast[f]] + 1
                            puts(f,remainder(clast[f], 256))
                            clast[f] = 0
                            clast[f] = dummy_i
                        end if
                        dummy_i = find
 (append(ctable[f][clast[f]-255],x),ctable[f]) + 255
                        if dummy_i = 255 then
                           ctable[f] =
                           cfreq[f]  = append(cfreq[f],1)
                           cfreq[f][clast[f]] = cfreq[f][clast[f]] + 1
                           puts(f,remainder(clast[f], 256))
                           clast[f] = 0
                           clast[f] = dummy_i
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
                cpoint[f] = cpoint[f] - 1
            end if
            puts(f, x)
        end if
    end procedure

    function real_getc (file_handle f)
        if cp_mode[f] then
            if cpoint[f] = 0 then
                cpoint[f] = CP_UPDATE_RATE
                update_cp (f)
            end if
            if length(cstack[f]) = 0 then
                dummy_i = getc(f)+(getc(f)*256)
                if dummy_i < 256 then
                    ctable[f] = append(ctable[f],{dummy_i,getc(f)})
                    cfreq[f]  = append(cfreq[f],1)
                    cfreq[f][dummy_i+1] = cfreq[f][dummy_i+1] + 1
                    ctable[f] =
                    cfreq[f]  = append(cfreq[f],1)
                    cfreq[f][dummy_i+1] = cfreq[f][dummy_i+1] + 1
                end if
                cstack[f] = ctable[f][length(ctable[f])]
            end if
            if cstack[f][1] < 0 then return -1 end if
            dummy_i = cstack[f][1]
            cstack[f] = cstack[f][2..length(cstack[f])]
            cpoint[f] = cpoint[f] - 1
            return dummy_i
            return getc(f)
        end if
    end function

    function real_gets (file_handle f)
    sequence ret
        if cp_mode[f] then
            ret = {real_getc(f)}
            if ret[1] = -1 then return -1 end if
            while ret[length(ret)] != '\n' do
                ret = append(ret,real_getc(f))
                if ret[length(ret)] = -1 then
                    return ret[1..length(ret)-1]
                end if
            end while
            return gets (f)
        end if
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Seek Routine ..>>
       -- New & Improved Seek Routine (to be binairy compatible)

    global function seek ( file_handle fn, object x )
    integer ret
        if cs_mode[fn] then
            if cp_mode[fn] then
            end if
        end if                                -- Machine_func 20 is WHERE
        if sequence (x) then                  -- Machine_func 19 is SEEK
            if length(x) < 2 then
                if machine_func(20,fn) != floor(x[1]/8) then
                    ret = machine_func( 19, {fn, floor(x[1]/8)} )
                    ret = 0
                end if
                bit_pos[fn] = remainder (x[1],8)
                if read_mode[fn] then
                    if cp_mode[fn] then
                        cur_char[fn] = real_getc(fn)
                        cur_char[fn] = getc(fn)
                    end if
                    ret = machine_func (19,{fn, floor(x[1]/8)})
                    cur_char[fn] = 0
                end if
                if machine_func(20,fn) != x[1] then
                    ret = machine_func (19,{fn, x[1]})
                    ret = 0
                end if
                bit_pos[fn] = x[2]
                if read_mode[fn] then
                    if cp_mode[fn] then
                        cur_char[fn] = real_getc(fn)
                        cur_char[fn] = getc(fn)
                    end if
                    ret = machine_func (19,{fn,x[1]})
                    cur_char[fn] = 0
                end if
            end if
            if machine_func(20,fn) != x then
                ret = machine_func (19,{fn, x})
                ret = 0
            end if
            bit_pos[fn] = 1
            if read_mode[fn] then
                if cp_mode[fn] then
                    cur_char[fn] = real_getc(fn)
                    cur_char[fn] = getc(fn)
                end if
                ret = machine_func (19,{fn, x})
                cur_char[fn] = 0
            end if
        end if
        cs_mode[fn] = 0
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Close Routine ..>>
       -- New & Improved close routine (to be binairy compatible)

    global procedure close ( object x )
        if sequence(x) then
            for j = 1 to length(x) do
            end for
            if x = 1 or x = 2 then return end if
            if cs_mode[x] then
                if cp_mode[x] then
                    real_puts (x,cur_char[x])
                    puts (x,cur_char[x])
                end if
                cs_mode[x] = 0
            end if
            real_close (x)
            bit_pos[x] = -1
            for j = length(bit_pos) to 1 by -1 do
                if bit_pos[j] != -1 then exit end if
                bit_pos = bit_pos[1..j-1]
                cur_char = cur_char[1..j-1]
                read_mode = read_mode[1..j-1]
                write_mode = write_mode[1..j-1]
                cp_mode = cp_mode[1..j-1]
                cs_mode = cs_mode[1..j-1]
                ctable = ctable[1..j-1]
                cfreq = cfreq[1..j-1]
                cbc = cbc[1..j-1]
                cpoint = cpoint[1..j-1]
                clast = clast[1..j-1]
                cstack = cstack[1..j-1]
            end for
        end if
    end procedure

--<<.. Open Routine ..>>
        -- New & Improved open routine ( some stuff need to be done then )

    global function open (sequence s1, sequence s2)
    integer ret
        ret = real_open(s1, s2)
        if ret = -1 then return -1 end if
        s2 = s2 + ((s2 < 97)* 32)
        if find('u',s2) then
            puts(1,"\n    !OOPS! >>  Sorry, but update mode isn't possible *yet*
 with.. \n")
            puts(1,"\n    <<.. The Binairy Add-On for Euphoria by Ralf
 Nieuwenhuijsen ..>> \n")
            puts(1,"\n         <-:->  Make Sure you have the latest version
 <-:-> \n")
puts(1,"\n       You can email me about this: <<.. nieuwen at
            return -1
        end if
        bit_pos = append(bit_pos, 1)
        read_mode = append(read_mode, find('u',s2) or find('r',s2))
        write_mode = append(write_mode, find('u',s2) or find('a',s2) or
        cp_mode = append(cp_mode,CP_DEFAULT)
        cs_mode =  append(cs_mode, 0)
        ctable = append(ctable, {})
        cfreq = append(cfreq, repeat(0,256))
        cbc = append(cbc, repeat({},256))
        cpoint = append(cpoint, 0)
        clast = append(clast, 0)
        cstack = append(cstack,{})
        if read_mode[ret] then
            if cp_mode[ret] then
                cur_char = append(cur_char, real_getc(ret))
                cur_char = append(cur_char, getc(ret))
            end if
            cur_char = append(cur_char, 0)
        end if
        if seek (ret, {0,1}) != 0 then close(ret) return -1 end if
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Bits Put Routine ..>>
       -- Outputs a bit or a sequence of bits

    global procedure put_bits ( file_handle bh, bool_o bit)
        if atom(bit) then
            if bit then
                if cur_char[bh] < val_pos[bit_pos[bh]] then
                    cur_char[bh] = cur_char[bh] + val_pos[bit_pos[bh]]
                    cur_char[bh] = or_bits(cur_char[bh],val_pos[bit_pos[bh]])
                end if
                if cur_char[bh] >= val_pos[bit_pos[bh]] then
                    cur_char[bh] =  and_bits(cur_char[bh],val_neg[bit_pos[bh]])
                end if
            end if
            bit_pos[bh] = bit_pos[bh] + 1
            cs_mode[bh] = 1
            if bit_pos[bh] > 8 then
                if cp_mode[bh] then
                    real_puts (bh,cur_char[bh])
                    if read_mode[bh] then
                        cur_char[bh] = real_getc(bh)
                        dummy_i = machine_func(19,{bh, machine_func(20,bh) - 1})
                        cur_char[bh] = 0
                    end if
                    puts (bh, cur_char[bh])
                    if read_mode[bh] then
                        cur_char[bh] = getc(bh)
                        dummy_i = machine_func(19,{bh, machine_func(20,bh) - 1})
                        cur_char[bh] = 0
                    end if
                end if
                bit_pos[bh] = 1
                cs_mode[bh] = 0
            end if
            for j = 1 to length(bit) do
                if bit[j] then
                    if cur_char[bh] < val_pos[bit_pos[bh]] then
                        cur_char[bh] = cur_char[bh] + val_pos[bit_pos[bh]]
                        cur_char[bh] =
                    end if
                    if cur_char[bh] >= val_pos[bit_pos[bh]] then
                        cur_char[bh] =
                    end if
                end if
                bit_pos[bh] = bit_pos[bh] + 1
                cs_mode[bh] = 1
                if bit_pos[bh] > 8 then
                    if cp_mode[bh] then
                        real_puts (bh,cur_char[bh])
                        if read_mode[bh] then
                            cur_char[bh] = real_getc(bh)
                            dummy_i = machine_func(19,{bh, machine_func(20,bh) -
                            cur_char[bh] = 0
                        end if
                        puts (bh, cur_char[bh])
                        if read_mode[bh] then
                            cur_char[bh] = getc(bh)
                            dummy_i = machine_func(19,{bh, machine_func(20,bh) -
                            cur_char[bh] = 0
                        end if
                    end if
                    bit_pos[bh] = 1 cur_char[bh] = 0
                end if
            end for
        end if
    end procedure

--<<.. Sequence put routine ..>>
       -- New & Improved puts routine (to be binairy compatible)

    global procedure puts ( file_handle bh, object x )
        if bit_pos[bh] = 1 then
            real_puts(bh, x)
            if read_mode[bh] then
                if cp_mode[bh] then
                    cur_char[bh] = real_getc(bh)
                    cur_char[bh] = getc(bh)
                end if
                dummy_i = machine_func(19,{bh, machine_func(20,bh) - 1})
            end if
            cs_mode[bh] = 0
            if atom(x) then x = {x} end if
            for j = 1 to length(x) do
                if cur_char[bh] < val_pos[bit_pos[bh]] then
                    cur_char[bh] = cur_char[bh] + (x[j] -
                    cur_char[bh] = remainder(cur_char[bh],val_pos[bit_pos[bh]])
 + (x[j] - remainder(x[j],val_pos[bit_pos[bh]]))
                end if
                real_puts(bh, cur_char[bh])
                if read_mode[bh] then
                    if cp_mode[bh] then
                        cur_char[bh] = real_getc(bh)
                        cur_char[bh] = getc(bh)
                    end if
                    cur_char[bh] = remainder(x[j],val_pos[bit_pos[bh]]) +
 (cur_char[bh] - remainder(cur_char[bh],val_pos[bit_pos[bh]]))
                    dummy_i = machine_func(19, {bh, machine_func(20,bh) -1 })
                    cur_char[bh] = remainder(x[j],val_pos[bit_pos[bh]])
                end if
            end for
            cs_mode[bh] = 1
        end if
    end procedure

--<<.. Get Bit Routine ..>>
       -- Returns the next bit from file_handle f or -1 if EOF

    global function get_bit ( file_handle f )
    integer ret
        if cur_char[f] = -1 then return -1 end if
        if or_bits(cur_char[f],val_pos[bit_pos[f]]) = cur_char[f] then
            ret = 1
            ret = 0
        end if
        bit_pos[f] = bit_pos[f] + 1
        if bit_pos[f] > 8 then
            if cs_mode[f] then
                cs_mode[f] = 0
            end if
            bit_pos[f] = 1
            if cp_mode[f] then
                cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                cur_char[f] = getc(f)
                cur_char[f] = getc(f)
            end if
            cs_mode[f] = 0
        end if
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Get Bits Routine ..>>
       -- Returns the number of requested bits or -1 if EOF

    global function get_bits ( file_handle f, integer nob )
    sequence ret
        if cur_char[f] = -1 then return -1 end if
        ret = repeat (0,nob)
        for j = 1 to nob do
            if or_bits(cur_char[f],val_pos[bit_pos[f]]) = cur_char[f] then
                ret[j] = 1
            end if
            bit_pos[f] = bit_pos[f] + 1
            if bit_pos[f] > 8 then
                if cs_mode[f] then
                    if cp_mode[f] then
                        cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                        cur_char[f] = getc(f)
                    end if
                end if
                cs_mode[f] = 0
                bit_pos[f] = 1
                if cp_mode[f] then
                    cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                    cur_char[f] = getc(f)
                end if
                if cur_char[f] = -1 then
                    return ret[1..j-1]
                end if
            end if
        end for
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Get Sequence Routine ..>>
       -- New & Improved gets (to be binairy compatible)

    global function gets (file_handle f)
    object ret
        if bit_pos[f] = 1 then
            if cs_mode[f] then
                dummy_i = machine_func(19, {f, machine_func(20,f) -1 })
            end if
            cs_mode[f] = 0
            ret = real_gets(f)
            if cp_mode[f] then
                cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                cur_char[f] = getc(f)
            end if
            if cur_char[f] != -1 then
                dummy_i = machine_func(19, {f, machine_func(20,f) -1 })
            end if
            if cs_mode[f] then
                if cp_mode[f] then
                    cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                    cur_char[f] = getc(f)
                end if
            end if
            cs_mode[f] = 0
            if cur_char[f] = -1 then return -1 end if
            ret = {cur_char[f] - remainder(cur_char[f],val_pos[bit_pos[f]])}
            if cp_mode[f] then
                cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                cur_char[f] = getc(f)
            end if
            if cur_char[f] = -1 then return ret end if
            ret[1] = ret[1] + remainder(cur_char[f],val_pos[bit_pos[f]])
            while ret[length(ret)] != '\n' do
                ret = append(ret, cur_char[f] -
                if cp_mode[f] then
                    cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
                    cur_char[f] = getc(f)
                end if
                if cur_char[f] = -1 then return ret end if
                ret[length(ret)] = ret[length(ret)] +
            end while
        end if
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Get Character Routine ..>>
       -- New & Improved getc routine (to be binairy compatible)

    global function getc ( file_handle f )
    integer ret
        if cs_mode[f] then
            dummy_i = machine_func(19, {f, machine_func(20,f) + 1 })
        end if
        cs_mode[f] = 0
        if bit_pos[f] = 1 then
            ret = cur_char[f]
            cur_char[f] = real_getc (f)
            ret = cur_char[f] - remainder(cur_char[f],val_pos[bit_pos[f]])
            cur_char[f] = real_getc(f)
            ret = ret + remainder(cur_char[f],val_pos[bit_pos[f]])
        end if
        dummy_i = machine_func(19, {f, machine_func(20,f) -1 })
        return ret
    end function

--<<.. Compression Set Routines ..>>

    global procedure set_cp_off (file_handle f)
        cp_mode[f] = CP_OFF
    end procedure

    global procedure set_cp_normal (file_handle f)
        cp_mode[f] = CP_NORMAL
    end procedure

    global procedure set_cp_full (file_handle f)
        cp_mode[f] = CP_FULL
    end procedure

--<<.. End of file ..>>-----------<<.. All done by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen ..>>--


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