1. LOS

I need a FAST routine that can check "line of sight" between two points.
This is for use in Hayes. I want to track a straight line from a to b, and
if somewhere on the way this line hits the wall, the routine returns 0. Else
it returns 1.

The sequence LEVEL is a 2D sequence, and to see if a given point lies on a
wall, you can do this:

if LEVEL[ypos/20+1][xpos/20+1] then
    -- just hit the wall
end if

Can someone help me with this?


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2. Re: LOS

-----Original Message-----
From: Einar Mogen <nord.staernes at ROLLAG.MAIL.TELIA.COM>
To: EUPHORIA at cwisserver1.mcs.muohio.edu
<EUPHORIA at cwisserver1.mcs.muohio.edu>
Date: Monday, August 24, 1998 7:05 PM
Subject: LOS

>I need a FAST routine that can check "line of sight" between two points.
>This is for use in Hayes. I want to track a straight line from a to b, and
>if somewhere on the way this line hits the wall, the routine returns 0.
>it returns 1.
>The sequence LEVEL is a 2D sequence, and to see if a given point lies on a
>wall, you can do this:
>if LEVEL[ypos/20+1][xpos/20+1] then
>    -- just hit the wall
>end if
>Can someone help me with this?
you should find your self a good ray tracer!

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3. Re: LOS

I apologize if this routine has already been sent.  I'm committing a =
WFRL (write first, read later).  The average time for each pass of the =
routine was .0001~.0006 seconds.  Is that fast enough for you?  However, =
it assumes you know the endpoints for the wall.  The code is 121 lines.

------ Tested code ----------

-- nobisect.ex -- This function uses the algebraic line equation =

atom t1, t2, ttot, temp

function nobisect(atom x1a,atom y1a,atom x1b,atom y1b,atom x2a,
    atom y2a,atom x2b,atom y2b)

  atom m1,m2,b1,b2,x3,y3
  -- 1 =3D wall, 2 =3D LOS
  -- Condition: vertical wall
  t1 =3D time()
  if x1a =3D x1b then
    if x2b =3D x2a then
      return 1
    end if
    m2 =3D (y2b-y2a)/(x2b-x2a)
    b2 =3D y2b-(m2*x2b)
    y3 =3D (m2*x1a)+b2
    if (y1a > y1b) and (y3 <=3D y1a) and (y3 >=3D y1b) then
      return 0
    elsif (y3 >=3D y1a) and (y3 <=3D y1b) then
      return 0
      return 1
    end if
  end if

  -- Condition: horizontal wall
  if y1a =3D y1b then
    if x2b =3D x2a then
      x3 =3D x2b
      if y2a =3D y2b then
        return 1
      end if
      m2 =3D (y2b-y2a)/(x2b-x2a)
      b2 =3D y2b-(m2*x2b)
      x3 =3D (y1a-b2)/m2
    end if
    if (x1a > x1b) and (x3 <=3D x1a) and (x3 >=3D x1b) then
      return 0
    elsif (x3 >=3D x1a) and (x3 <=3D x1b) then
      return 0
      return 1
    end if
  end if

  -- Condition: vertical LOS
  if x2a =3D x2b then
    if x1b =3D x1a then
      return 1
    end if
    m1 =3D (y1b-y1a)/(x1b-x1a)
    b1 =3D y1b-(m1*x1b)
    y3 =3D (m1*x2a)+b1
    if (y2a > y2b) and (y3 <=3D y2a) and (y3 >=3D y2b) then
      return 0
    elsif (y3 >=3D y2a) and (y3 <=3D y2b) then
      return 0
      return 1
    end if
  end if
  -- Condition: horizontal LOS

  if y2a =3D y2b then
    if x1b =3D x1a then
      x3 =3D x1b
      if y1a =3D y1b then
        return 1
      end if
      m1 =3D (y1b-y1a)/(x1b-x1a)
      b1 =3D y1b-(m1*x1b)
      x3 =3D (y2a-b1)/m1
    end if
    if (x2a > x2b) and (x3 <=3D x2a) and (x3 >=3D x2b) then
      return 0
    elsif (x3 >=3D x2a) and (x3 <=3D x2b) then
      return 0
      return 1
    end if
  end if

  -- Condition: both diagonals
  m1 =3D (y1b-y1a)/(x1b-x1a)
  m2 =3D (y2b-y2a)/(x2b-x2a)
  b1 =3D y1b-(m1*x1b)
  b2 =3D y2b-(m2*x2b)
  if m1 =3D m2 then
    return 1
  end if
  x3 =3D (b2-b1)/(m1-m2)
  if (x1a > x1b) and (x3 <=3D x1a) and (x3 >=3D x1b) then
    return 0
  elsif (x3 >=3D x1a) and (x3 <=3D x1b) then
    return 0
    return 1
  end if

end function

ttot =3D 0
for a =3D 1 to 1000 do
  temp =3D =
  t2 =3D time()-t1
  ttot =3D ttot + t2
  printf(1,"Average time: %0.5f, Result: %d\n",{ttot/a,temp})
end for


Michael J. Sabal
mjs at osa.att.ne.jp

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