I have read several of the Structure posts, although, since I have
more email than time I tend to just glance at long posts.  I may
have missed it if this has already been tried, but what about something
along the lines of:

record cust
        sequence custNAME[30],          -- Customer Name 30 characters
        sequence custADDRESS[30],       -- Customer ADDRESS 30 chars.
        sequence custCITY[15],          -- Customer CITY 15 chars.
        sequence custSTATE[2],          -- Customer STATE 2 chars.
        integer  custZIP[10],           -- Customer ZIP 10 numeric char
        integer  custAGE[3]             -- Customer AGE 3 numeric chars

This would setup a sort of sequence with fixed length elements.
We could then refer to each element separately such as custNAME or
custCITY, or we could refer to the whole record by using cust.

Just a thought, I find this more than easy to understand.

+ + +  Rev. Ferlin Scarborough  -  Centreville, Alabama  -  USA

email: ferlin at sandw.net
email: ferlin at email.com

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