1. Physics

*kow-tows & burnt offerings*
O geniuses of Euphoria, would someone please enlighten me on some
microgravity physics?
If you can, i would prefer the physics and equations, not functions or
procedures -- i want to be able
to grasp what i'm lookin at.  or maybe both.  i know you guys just sit
around waiting to do stuff fer me ;)

The equations which Newton so handily thought up
The gravitational formulae
Inelastic/elastic collisions
Transference of energy? (this is something like F = ma, right, with some
trig and algebraic manipulation
for happiness?)

or a _good_ (e.g. lots of stuff, not necessarily fast) physics.e type
library would be excellente, por favor.


while we're at it, anyone have good info radiation exposure/protection,
or where to get it?
and, ummmm, any good, well-reasoned articles including feasibility and
numbers (maximum acceleration,
reasonable "burn" time, etc.)on "interstellar" transport methods
including chemical, ion beams, solar sails
(sun or laser), nuclear, or chicken fart?  and with some good vernacular
thrown in for the casual reader.

I know Niven, Clark, and Asimov know (knew) the math -- but I don't have
ready contact with 'em, ya know?

oooh!oooh!  and i finally finished my writes_any_algorithm_you_want.e
library -- only a few minor hurdles
to go (which machine function reads minds?)



p.s.  mebbe ah'm th' only one usin' a goofy system, but it would be
awf'ly consideret,
if'n it didn't bother ya too much, to just kinda thro sum line breaks in
-- kinda break it up fer a fellah, eh?

p.p.s.  errrrggg.

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2. Re: Physics

Newton's law of gravitation:
F must be a vector for anything beyond trivial systems.

Newton's 2nd law:
F=ma   ;  also a vector equation
3rd law:
for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

For collisions, you must use the conservation of momentum (different depending
on the case), and solve for the wanted variable.
p1=initial system momentum, p2=final system momentum
p=mv, but unless you are doing something very simple, p must be treated as a

What do you mean by "transference of energy?"

An excellent book on interstellar travel (both conceptual, and mathematical
treatments of all types of propulsion are given) is
"The Starflight Handbook" by Gregory Matloff and Eugene Mallove, 1989.

Abraham Harte

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3. Re: Physics

>The equations which Newton so handily thought up
>The gravitational formulae

Things kinda fall like this:

x(t) = 1/2 * g * t^2 + v(0) * t + x(0)

What means that:

v(0) = start speed, if you jam to the ground, you're helping gravity.
x(0) = begin place, we dont always start at zero.

Why the 1/2 * g * t ^2 ?

Draw a VT-function, it will look like this:

|    /
|   /
|  /
| /
|/    = v(0)
|------------------- t(s)

Did you know that you can calculate the place formula (above) also by
measuring the surface below the grafic (the line)

|        /|
|       / |
|      /  |
|     /   |
|    /    |
|   /     |
|  /      |
| /       |
|/____ |   <-- v(0)
|         |
|         |
|         |
|         |
------------- t(s)

I have now split the surface in two areas. The lower part is v * t
The higher part is 1/2 * v - v(0) * t

However v(t) = g * t - v(0)
Thus the higher part could also be written as:

1/2 * t * g * t == simplied into == 1/2gt^2

(The whole surface is thus delta x)

Together it makes the whole surface:
And the place formula..

x(t)  = 1/2 gt^2 + V(0)* t + x(0)

Get it ?

>Inelastic/elastic collisions
>Transference of energy? (this is something like F = ma, right, with some
>trig and algebraic manipulation
>for happiness?)

Eh.. now some real wizards, 'k ?


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4. Re: Physics

Hi Noah

Maybe you will find your heart's desire at:


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5. Re: Physics

Noah Smith wrote:
> p.p.s.  errrrggg.
> must...control...urge....to...flame...certain...people....
<10000hp 10000mana 10000mv>at all slay all

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