1. help with Win32lib.ew SetText() into a multi line edit box...

I am having a sticky problem with the
setText() function in the Win32lib.ew library,
and need a second opinion. When
loading previously saved text, it does not appear
in the multiline edit box consistently. The below procedure
works in some cases, but cuts the last line of text.
If there is some extra returns or space, or If I try to display
all the text into the MLE (MEL1) then it is blank.

global procedure load_raw()  -- LOAD A RAW EDL FORM for EDIT

edl=open(edlname,"r")     -- name of the dialog EDL file
TEST=open("e:\\euphoria\\testdis.pro", "w") -- for Debug output purposes
DGedit={}                  -- the buffer for the Multiline edit
codeline={}                -- a single line of Dialog text

puts(TEST, edlname&"\n")  -- for debug only. Name of Dialog file

while 1 do
  if atom(codeline) then
        puts(TEST,"Atom Detected. LAST LINE=\n")  -- for Debug only
        print(TEST, oldline)   --
        puts(TEST,"\n")        --
        print(TEST, codeline)
         exit --end of Dialog file
   end if
codeline=codeline[1..length(codeline)-1]&{13,10} -- required to advance
     print(TEST, codeline) -- for Debug only
     puts(TEST,"\n")        -- for Debug only
     DGedit=DGedit&codeline  -- Add line to the buffer
    end while
print(TEST, DGedit) -- for Debug only. Check the total Dialog buffer
close (TEST)
editlen=length(DGedit)-(linelen) -- works sometimes
setText(MEL1, DGedit[1..editlen])

end procedure

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