1. put.e update

I have discovered OR rediscovered some faster
coding techniques since I have been using Euphoria.

I decided to use my OLD put.e and found that it
didn't out perform the normal Euphoria puts()
command.  At first I thought that Euphoria was
just so much faster now.  I am sure that it is
BUT then I looked at the code and noticed that
I had used some novice techniques that I have
since abandoned.  I have refurbish put.e and
it now performs 2 times as fast as it did.
it is roughly 2 times as fast as Euphoria's
usual puts() command.

        The code follows signature:

--Lucius Lamar Hilley III
--  E-mail at luciuslhilleyiii at juno.com
--  I support transferring of files less than 60K.
--  I can Decode both UU and Base64 format.

--fast_puts-- This procedure is safe. It uses no color unless you exceed
--boundary, if you exceed boundary then it automaticaly reverts to puts
--instead of poking.  This keeps the output SAFE.
global procedure fast_puts(sequence s)
  atom p
  integer l, width
  sequence w, vc

  vc = machine_func(13, 0)
  w = machine_func(25, 0) - 1
  width = vc[4] + vc[4]
  p = w[1] * width + w[2] + w[2]
  l = length(s)
  if vc[2] < 4 and vc[3] * width > l + l + p then
    p = #B8000 + p
    for A = 1 to l do
      poke(p, s[A])
      p = p + 2
    end for
    puts(1, s)
    w = w + 1
    position(w[1], w[2])
  end if
end procedure

--f_puts(integer, sequence)
--WARNING.  this is a FAST, NOT SAFE, procedure.
--       .  if sequence goes out of bounds it
--       .  may cause serious damage.
--sequence is what to print
--integer is 1 for 80 column OR
--integer is (not 1) for 40 column
global procedure f_puts(integer v, sequence s)
  atom p
  sequence w

  w = machine_func(25, 0) - 1
  if v = 1 then
    v = 160 -- this is default 80 column video
    v = 80 -- this is 40 column video
  end if
  p = #B8000 + w[1] * v + w[2] + w[2]
  for A = 1 to length(s) do
    poke(p, s[A])
    p = p + 2
  end for
end procedure

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