1. Reverse: fastest yet, long post

On the Reverse() thread, I got to thinking about
Rob's algorithm as opposed to mine.  I then
studied the results a little harder and had a few
thoughts, which have panned out.

In Rob's algorithm, he executes *four* actions
within his loop, and I execute *two*.  Well, you
say, he only does half as many loops!

That is what I thought as well, and dismissed it
just like you likely did.  Something kept nagging
at me.  Then I dawned upon the following:
we are assuming that every assignment, every
lookup of an element, within that sequence, and
the subsequent movement of that pointer or that
byte (depending on contents) only takes as much
time as any other action.

I think we believed this because binary is supposedly
always faster, and results were shown that seemed to
indicate this.  We dismissed it.

If each assignment, within his loop, the:
   temp=s[i]  s[i]=s[n]  s[n]=temp
section, was, indeed, only to take a single
clock tick, then Rob's algorithm and my algorithm
would be *identical* in speed.  It was the math
that was haunting me, that nagging that something
was not right.

To wit: the following chart shows the clock tick ratio
for a length 1000 'string'.
The 'swap' heading are the number of element swaps that
each of us do in the body of the loop.  The 'sub' heading
(which is equal) represents the n=n-1 that we both have
to do within our loops, after the assignment(s).
The first column shows how many iterations we each need
to make to solve for a 1000 length seq.

so for Rob, his 500 loops, 3 assignments, and 1 sub,
with those 4 actions each costing 1 tick apiece, yields
2000 clock ticks for his loop.
and for me, my 1000 loops, 1 assign, and 1 sub, with those
2 actions taking a tick apiece, yeilds: yep... same thing.

len = 1000
     --all swaps/subs are 1 tick
       swap  sub    tick
500 * (3*1 +   1) = 2000  rob   500  loops for 1000 len
1000* (1*1 +   1) = 2000  hawke 1000 loops for 1000 len
          ***tick counts are equal***

What this means: whoever does the least processing
before entering and exiting that loop, _wins_.
It also means that it's impossible for either algorithm,
within the loop, to be better or worse.

Now we get to my nagging.  The lookup of an offset, and moving
of a pointer or byte, I don't believe can occur in *ONE*
clock tick, not with even the tiny overhead that EU imposes.
I don't think it can be done even with asm tricks, like
xchg, unless you did it *all* in asm.  The overhead for
EU to interpret and offset into the sequence I would have
to say costs a tick or more.

As soon as you place 2 ticks upon an exchange between
sequence elements, even a simple one like: a[i] = b[j],
as soon as we agree that it might indeed take 2 or more
clock ticks to do that, Rob's algorithm fails, inside
the loop, by a large margin, to equate with mine in
clock tick cost.

To wit: as of now, swaps of elements cost 2 ticks and the
sub (n=n-1) still costs 1 tick, which *that* can be done
by watcom as there is a Dec() command in asm, that can
easily be accessed by Rob and the causeway extender, that
costs a single tick.
Looking at the math, with those parameters, we see that
Rob, with 500 loops, 3 swaps (6 ticks now) and 1 sub (using
a single tick), his new tick total is *larger* than mine.
     --swaps = 2tick sub = 1tick
       swap  sub    tick
500 * (3*2 +   1) = 3500  rob   500  loops for 1000 len
1000* (1*2 +   1) = 3000  hawke 1000 loops for 1000 len
     ***tick counts unequal***

We then start discussing repetitive iterations in the
order of hundreds of thousands, and my curiousity got
the better of me.

I then reran our two functions on my machine here and came
up with different results.  I believe that the 'bad'
answers arised from the call_proc usage.  I believe they
influnced the benchmarks more than we may have thought.

Once I stripped his original benchmark of all
routineID/call_proc the results became rather different indeed.

I also noticed that his was not 'walking away' from mine
like it did with his first results.  The difference were
much closer, and I also noticed some interesting trends
to sequence size versus iterations.  I then fine tuned
mine, armed with a rather stable and seemingly very
accurate, and very consistent benchmark program,
to various ideas I had for improvement in the areas
that my algorithm lacked behind his.

I've also discovered that n=n-1 does *NOT* cost the
same clock tick amount as n=n+1.  And it *should*.
Period.  There is no reason, interpreted or not,
that those two statements should not take exactly
one tick on a 386+ machine.

With this in mind, I submit the following benchmark
program, and my latest algorithm compared against
Rob's latest algorithm, and the result file created
automatically appended to the end.

If anyone runs this, and does not see the '!' marks
in nearly the exact same places when they run this,
please, post.

Now, you may note, that as the sequences grow, I back
down the iterations, as, I am not as patient apparently
as Rob :)  I can't do the 800+second thing :)

The sequences are larger, so it's not an issue with
memory,  it's simply trying rep counts that bring the
timings to manageable wait periods.

If anyone sees a grievous error, please, post. I
do not wish to spread bad code, especially since
this may become 'the' algorithm for inclusion directly
into EU.

Analysis of results:
If you note, in the list of results (below),
no matter the size or repetitions, my altered/new
algorithm completed the task faster than Rob's,
for *any* length sequence (that I tried, which is
far more than displayed here) that was over length 10.
Also, my algorithm exits nearly immediately for 0
and 1 based lengths, which will lend itself to
'if atom()' tests when/if we apply this to objects
and recursion.

My reasoning for the scattered timings in the
range of 2-10 lengths is the repeat() function.
I have to call that function and Rob doesnt. He
has to call a floor and a divide however.  Once
my repeat time catches up, the algorithm can
then can perform faster than Rob's.

Trust me when I tell you I tried every trick
to lose the time difference in the 2-10 range.

I set up 10 functions that directly flipped the
elements (ie: return {d[2],d[1]} if the len was 2,
and return {d[3],d[2],d[1]} if the len was three,
and so on) and then I created a fast lookup
table that was ordered to length being 0-10.
I then created a routineID hash into that table so
I could use find() based upon the value of len, and
call a proc directly to hard code flip those indicies.

something like:
func rev0 return d
func rev1 return d
func rev2 return {d[2],d[1]}
func rev3 return {d[3],d[2],d[1]}
etc etc etc
revID = {"rev0","rev1","rev2","rev3",...etc}
lookup = repeat(0,10)
for i = 1 to 10 do
   revID[i] = routineID(revID[i])
   lookup[i]= i
end for

i did this as soon as the program started, outside all functions.

my reverse then became:
func reverse(seq d)
int len  seq new
   len = length(d)
   if len < 10 then
      if len < 2 then return d end if
      return call_func( revID[find(len,lookup)], {d} )
   end if
   new = repeat(0,len)
   for i = 1 to len do.... etc
   return new
end func

now, you would think this to be *fast* for those
ranges.  nope, very very slow and that is what clued
me most of all to the other benchmark program being
slightly askew.

all right i say, I try a binary if..then tree for
the values from 0-10, but that didn't help...
  len = length(d)
  if len < 2 return d
  if len < 10 then
    if len < 6 then
with each stage shortcircuiting as much as possible, basically
cutting and pasting the code used to flip the indexes from
the above rev0, rev1, rev2, rev3, rev4 etc functions...

that didn't help.
So, I say, well, quick find and short circuits aren't working,
and they really should be, since i am really not facing
competition here with the floor and division in Rob's
algorithm... One of those two methods should have outpaced
those 'cumbersome' calculations.  I then stumbled upon
the thought that repeat() was my problem.

so i made another quicklist, of sorts. But not holding values,
but instead holding preallocated memory, so i wouldn't have
to stub out to the function repeat for such a trivial amount
of space required.
constant premade = {{},{0},{0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},... etc
up to length 10.

i altered the entry to the reverse function which involved
duplicate code (that, if this had worked, i would have
simply made into seperate functions if need be) to look
as so:
func rev(seq d)
int len  seq new
   len = length(d)
   if len<2 then return d
   if len<10 then
       new = premade[len]
       for i = 1 to len do
       return new
   end if
   new = repeat(0,len)
   for i = 1 to... do
   return new
end func
see, this way, i dont have to call the repeat() function
to allocate, i simply point right into premade... and
grab my new seq that way.  *sigh*
even that didn't shave quite enough.

What actually made the difference, and began out pacing
Rob's algorithm for every value above that 10 and for
almost all values below 10, (the odd/even numbers, if
you notice... queer eh?) was the reversing of the
for loop in my algorithm... and the simple act alone
of exiting for the len < 2 condition only...

This is where i discovered all of the claims I have made
in this post, and this is the final, fastest version based
upon _lengthy_ testing of all the above ideals against
both forward and backward counting for loops.

thank you for your time, if you have read this far.

take care all, and care of indeed --Hawke'

code and results follow:

--------------------------BEGIN CODE
without type_check
include machine.e
object junk, before, after, fn

procedure bothputs(object data)
   puts(1, data)              puts(fn,data)
end procedure
procedure bothprintf(sequence format,object data)
   printf(1, format,data)     printf(fn,format,data)
end procedure
function min(atom a, atom b)
   if b<a then return b end if return a
end function

function rev1(sequence d) -- Hawke'
sequence new     --t is to, f is from
integer len, f
   len = length(d)
   if len < 2 then return d end if  --simple case, bye!
   f = 0  new = repeat(0,len)
   for t = len to 1 by -1 do   --faster to make loop go down
       f = f + 1 new[t] = d[f] --and INCrement inside loop
   end for
   return new
end function

function rev2(sequence s)  -- Rob Craig
object temp
integer n
   n = length(s)
   for i = 1 to floor(n/2) do
       temp=s[i]  s[i]=s[n]  s[n]=temp  n=n-1
   end for
   return s
end function

function measure(sequence what, integer reps)
-- time a routine, pass the timing result back
atom start
object junk, res    res = {0,0}
    junk = {} start = time()
    for i = 1 to reps do junk = rev1(what) end for
    res[1]= time() - start

    junk = {} start = time()
    for i = 1 to reps do junk = rev2(what) end for
    res[2]= time() - start

    if get_key() then end if
    return res
end function

procedure preproc(integer reps)
  for i = 1 to length(before) do
     junk = before[i]
     bothprintf ("%6d", length(junk))
     after= measure(junk, reps)
     junk = min(after[1],after[2])
     bothprintf( "%10.4f" & (' ' + (junk = after[1])), after[1] )
     bothprintf( "%10.4f" & (' ' + (junk = after[2])), after[2] )
     bothprintf( "   reps:%d", reps )
  end for
end procedure

after = {0,0,0}
fn = open("results.rev","w")
if fn = -1 then puts(1,"cant open") abort(1) end if

for run = 1 to 3 do
  bothputs(sprintf("Run number:%d\n",run))
  bothputs("length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner  \n")
  bothputs("----------------------------           \n")

  before = {{},"a","aa","AAA","AAAA"}
  for i=   5 to   10        do before=append(before,repeat('a',i)) end

  before = {}
  for i=  25 to  100 by  25 do before=append(before,repeat('b',i)) end
  for i= 100 to  500 by 100 do before=append(before,repeat('c',i)) end

  before = {}
  for i=1000 to 5000 by 500 do before=append(before,repeat('d',i)) end

  before = {}
  for i=10000 to 50000 by 5000 do before=append(before,repeat('d',i))
end for

end for

------------------END CODE

---the ! mark indicates the faster of the two results

Run number:1
length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner
     0    0.1330!    0.1470    reps:100000
     1    0.1350!    0.1510    reps:100000
     2    0.2820     0.2770!   reps:100000
     3    0.3180     0.2810!   reps:100000
     4    0.3409!    0.3449    reps:100000
     5    0.3769     0.3489!   reps:100000
     6    0.4139!    0.4269    reps:100000
     7    0.4509     0.4299!   reps:100000
     8    0.4809!    0.4889    reps:100000
     9    0.5109     0.4919!   reps:100000
    10    0.5209!    0.5549    reps:100000
    25    0.0990!    0.1010    reps:10000
    50    0.1730!    0.1870    reps:10000
    75    0.2500!    0.2640    reps:10000
   100    0.3220!    0.3479    reps:10000
   100    0.3230!    0.3509    reps:10000
   200    0.6359!    0.6939    reps:10000
   300    0.9349!    1.0208    reps:10000
   400    1.2388!    1.3548    reps:10000
   500    1.5528!    1.7047    reps:10000
  1000    0.3100!    0.3399    reps:1000
  1500    0.4919!    0.5409    reps:1000
  2000    0.6749!    0.7459    reps:1000
  2500    0.8749!    0.9858    reps:1000
  3000    1.0288!    1.2048    reps:1000
  3500    1.2178!    1.4438    reps:1000
  4000    1.3968!    1.6597    reps:1000
  4500    1.5968!    1.8867    reps:1000
  5000    1.7897!    2.0887    reps:1000
 10000    0.3899!    0.4209    reps:100
 15000    0.6059!    0.6619    reps:100
 20000    0.8399!    0.8809    reps:100
 25000    1.0518!    1.1268    reps:100
 30000    1.2648!    1.3358    reps:100
 35000    1.4988!    1.5638    reps:100
 40000    1.7067!    1.7937    reps:100
 45000    1.9587!    2.0717    reps:100
 50000    2.1657!    2.2877    reps:100

Run number:2
length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner
     0    0.1370!    0.1470    reps:100000
     1    0.1360!    0.1490    reps:100000
     2    0.2840     0.2780!   reps:100000
     3    0.3180     0.2780!   reps:100000
     4    0.3429     0.3429!   reps:100000
     5    0.3779     0.3519!   reps:100000
     6    0.4119!    0.4249    reps:100000
     7    0.4519     0.4299!   reps:100000
     8    0.4829!    0.4879    reps:100000
     9    0.5109     0.4899!   reps:100000
    10    0.5229!    0.5559    reps:100000
    25    0.0970!    0.1020    reps:10000
    50    0.1710!    0.1890    reps:10000
    75    0.2470!    0.2650    reps:10000
   100    0.3230!    0.3529    reps:10000
   100    0.3200!    0.3519    reps:10000
   200    0.6319!    0.6919    reps:10000
   300    0.9369!    1.0268    reps:10000
   400    1.2418!    1.3598    reps:10000
   500    1.5518!    1.6947    reps:10000
  1000    0.3100!    0.3409    reps:1000
  1500    0.4919!    0.5419    reps:1000
  2000    0.6739!    0.7439    reps:1000
  2500    0.8769!    0.9839    reps:1000
  3000    1.0288!    1.2078    reps:1000
  3500    1.2148!    1.4428    reps:1000
  4000    1.3898!    1.6607    reps:1000
  4500    1.5978!    1.8857    reps:1000
  5000    1.7937!    2.0887    reps:1000
 10000    0.3929!    0.4249    reps:100
 15000    0.5989!    0.6389    reps:100
 20000    0.8189!    0.8729    reps:100
 25000    1.0348!    1.0938    reps:100
 30000    1.2728!    1.3468    reps:100
 35000    1.4838!    1.5668    reps:100
 40000    1.7107!    1.8027    reps:100
 45000    1.9527!    2.0657    reps:100
 50000    2.1707!    2.2817    reps:100

Run number:3
length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner
     0    0.1370!    0.1470    reps:100000
     1    0.1350!    0.1490    reps:100000
     2    0.2850     0.2770!   reps:100000
     3    0.3309     0.2820!   reps:100000
     4    0.3489!    0.3499    reps:100000
     5    0.3779     0.3539!   reps:100000
     6    0.4259!    0.4289    reps:100000
     7    0.4579     0.4359!   reps:100000
     8    0.4989     0.4949!   reps:100000
     9    0.5219     0.4909!   reps:100000
    10    0.5219!    0.5559    reps:100000
    25    0.0980!    0.1010    reps:10000
    50    0.1760!    0.1860    reps:10000
    75    0.2500!    0.2640    reps:10000
   100    0.3230!    0.3469    reps:10000
   100    0.3250!    0.3499    reps:10000
   200    0.6339!    0.6909    reps:10000
   300    0.9349!    1.0188    reps:10000
   400    1.2358!    1.3508    reps:10000
   500    1.5448!    1.6927    reps:10000
  1000    0.3130!    0.3399    reps:1000
  1500    0.4909!    0.5419    reps:1000
  2000    0.6749!    0.7429    reps:1000
  2500    0.8779!    0.9849    reps:1000
  3000    1.0278!    1.2038    reps:1000
  3500    1.2168!    1.4438    reps:1000
  4000    1.3908!    1.6597    reps:1000
  4500    1.5938!    1.8857    reps:1000
  5000    1.7877!    2.0917    reps:1000
 10000    0.3939!    0.4259    reps:100
 15000    0.5989!    0.6349    reps:100
 20000    0.8199!    0.8769    reps:100
 25000    1.0358!    1.0958    reps:100
 30000    1.2698!    1.3468    reps:100
 35000    1.4868!    1.5638    reps:100
 40000    1.7147!    1.7997    reps:100
 45000    1.9547!    2.0667    reps:100
 50000    2.1707!    2.2807    reps:100

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2. Re: Reverse: fastest yet, long post

Hawke writes:
<long post about how he now has the fastest reverse()>

I ran your program on my Pentium-150 and confirmed that
your new reverse() is faster than mine. So... I made an even
faster reverse() that beats your new one on all sizes from
about 10 up. I copied it into your program below:

Run number:1
length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner
     0    0.1220!    0.2940    reps:100000
     1    0.1210!    0.3230    reps:100000
     2    0.3439     0.3439!   reps:100000
     3    0.3819!    0.4219    reps:100000
     4    0.4249!    0.4289    reps:100000
     5    0.4719!    0.5129    reps:100000
     6    0.5149!    0.5189    reps:100000
     7    0.5589!    0.5909    reps:100000
     8    0.6019     0.5979!   reps:100000
     9    0.6709!    0.6939    reps:100000
    10    0.6649     0.6459!   reps:100000
    25    0.1300     0.1280!   reps:10000
    50    0.2340     0.2180!   reps:10000
    75    0.3429     0.3190!   reps:10000
   100    0.4579     0.4309!   reps:10000
   100    0.4489     0.4209!   reps:10000
   200    0.9139     0.8859!   reps:10000
   300    1.3528     1.2578!   reps:10000
   400    1.8557     1.7347!   reps:10000
   500    2.2827     2.1527!   reps:10000
  1000    0.4829     0.4529!   reps:1000
  1500    0.7449     0.6919!   reps:1000
  2000    1.0028     0.9409!   reps:1000
  2500    1.2688     1.1798!   reps:1000
  3000    1.6667     1.5708!   reps:1000
  3500    1.9027     1.7747!   reps:1000
  4000    2.0727     1.9617!   reps:1000
  4500    2.5276     2.3826!   reps:1000
  5000    2.9605     2.6516!   reps:1000
10000    0.5899     0.5449!   reps:100
15000    0.8899     0.8309!   reps:100
20000    1.2128     1.1198!   reps:100
25000    1.5138     1.4328!   reps:100
30000    1.8707     1.7387!   reps:100
35000    2.2907     2.0557!   reps:100
40000    2.5706     2.3446!   reps:100
45000    2.7946     2.6456!   reps:100
50000    3.1335     2.9925!   reps:100

Run number:2
length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner
     0    0.1210!    0.2420    reps:100000
     1    0.1200!    0.3230    reps:100000
     2    0.3289!    0.3299    reps:100000
     3    0.3819!    0.4249    reps:100000
     4    0.4259!    0.4269    reps:100000
     5    0.4699!    0.5109    reps:100000
     6    0.5779     0.5749!   reps:100000
     7    0.5579!    0.5939    reps:100000
     8    0.6029     0.5949!   reps:100000
     9    0.6969!    0.7219    reps:100000
    10    0.6619     0.6499!   reps:100000
    25    0.1300     0.1280!   reps:10000
    50    0.2330     0.2180!   reps:10000
    75    0.3399     0.3200!   reps:10000
   100    0.4629!    0.4789    reps:10000
   100    0.4529     0.4139!   reps:10000
   200    0.9119     0.8729!   reps:10000
   300    1.3468     1.2438!   reps:10000
   400    1.8437     1.7247!   reps:10000
   500    2.2767     2.1427!   reps:10000
  1000    0.4869     0.4529!   reps:1000
  1500    0.7309     0.6839!   reps:1000
  2000    1.0008     0.9139!   reps:1000
  2500    1.3118     1.2258!   reps:1000
  3000    1.5098     1.4218!   reps:1000
  3500    1.8077     1.6797!   reps:1000
  4000    2.1597     2.0037!   reps:1000
  4500    2.3326     2.1927!   reps:1000
  5000    2.6126     2.4596!   reps:1000
10000    0.5619     0.5269!   reps:100
15000    0.8649     0.8029!   reps:100
20000    1.1678     1.0918!   reps:100
25000    1.4658     1.3788!   reps:100
30000    1.8637     1.7367!   reps:100
35000    2.3116     2.0627!   reps:100
40000    2.5726     2.3496!   reps:100
45000    2.8016     2.6366!   reps:100
50000    3.1275     2.9945!   reps:100

Run number:3
length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner
     0    0.1200!    0.2420    reps:100000
     1    0.1210!    0.3240    reps:100000
     2    0.3319     0.3309!   reps:100000
     3    0.3809!    0.4229    reps:100000
     4    0.4239!    0.4299    reps:100000
     5    0.4709!    0.5119    reps:100000
     6    0.5149!    0.5179    reps:100000
     7    0.5629!    0.5929    reps:100000
     8    0.6629     0.6519!   reps:100000
     9    0.6479!    0.6769    reps:100000
    10    0.7099     0.6989!   reps:100000
    25    0.1310     0.1280!   reps:10000
    50    0.2420     0.2240!   reps:10000
    75    0.3389     0.3190!   reps:10000
   100    0.4719     0.4399!   reps:10000
   100    0.4579     0.4139!   reps:10000
   200    0.9079     0.8769!   reps:10000
   300    1.3448     1.2468!   reps:10000
   400    1.8447     1.7237!   reps:10000
   500    2.2727     2.1417!   reps:10000
  1000    0.4839     0.4559!   reps:1000
  1500    0.7309     0.6799!   reps:1000
  2000    1.0018     0.9139!   reps:1000
  2500    1.3118     1.2228!   reps:1000
  3000    1.5088     1.4258!   reps:1000
  3500    1.8107     1.6797!   reps:1000
  4000    2.1587     2.0037!   reps:1000
  4500    2.3336     2.1937!   reps:1000
  5000    2.6116     2.4636!   reps:1000
10000    0.5629     0.5259!   reps:100
15000    0.8659     0.8049!   reps:100
20000    1.1678     1.0938!   reps:100
25000    1.4658     1.3828!   reps:100
30000    1.8517     1.7367!   reps:100
35000    2.3186     2.0647!   reps:100
40000    2.5696     2.3496!   reps:100
45000    2.7936     2.6416!   reps:100
50000    3.1265     2.9965!   reps:100

Here's your program with my new rev2():

--------------------------BEGIN CODE
without type_check
include machine.e

object junk, before, after, fn

procedure bothputs(object data)
   puts(1, data)              puts(fn,data)
end procedure

procedure bothprintf(sequence format,object data)
   printf(1, format,data)     printf(fn,format,data)
end procedure

function min(atom a, atom b)
   if b<a then return b end if return a
end function

function rev1(sequence d) -- Hawke'
sequence new     --t is to, f is from
integer len, f
   len = length(d)
   if len < 2 then return d end if  --simple case, bye!
   f = 0  new = repeat(0,len)
   for t = len to 1 by -1 do   --faster to make loop go down
       f = f + 1 new[t] = d[f] --and INCrement inside loop
   end for
   return new
end function

-- function rev2(sequence s)  -- Rob Craig -- old
-- object temp
-- integer n
--    n = length(s)
--    for i = 1 to floor(n/2) do
--     temp=s[i]  s[i]=s[n]  s[n]=temp  n=n-1
--    end for
--    return s
-- end function

function rev2(sequence s) -- Rob Craig, new!
    integer lower, n
    sequence t

    n = length(s)
    t = repeat(0, n)
    lower = 1
    for upper = n to floor(n/2)+1 by -1 do
        t[upper] = s[lower]
        t[lower] = s[upper]
        lower = lower + 1
    end for
    return t
end function

function measure(sequence what, integer reps)
-- time a routine, pass the timing result back
atom start
object junk, res    res = {0,0}
    junk = {} start = time()
    for i = 1 to reps do junk = rev1(what) end for
    res[1]= time() - start
    junk = {} start = time()
    for i = 1 to reps do junk = rev2(what) end for
    res[2]= time() - start
    if get_key() then end if
    return res
end function

procedure preproc(integer reps)
  for i = 1 to length(before) do
     junk = before[i]
     bothprintf ("%6d", length(junk))
     after= measure(junk, reps)
     junk = min(after[1],after[2])
     bothprintf( "%10.4f" & (' ' + (junk = after[1])), after[1] )
     bothprintf( "%10.4f" & (' ' + (junk = after[2])), after[2] )
     bothprintf( "   reps:%d", reps )
  end for
end procedure

after = {0,0,0}
fn = open("results.rev","w")
if fn = -1 then puts(1,"cant open") abort(1) end if
for run = 1 to 3 do
  bothputs(sprintf("Run number:%d\n",run))
  bothputs("length   Hawke      Rob      !=winner  \n")
  bothputs("----------------------------           \n")
  before = {{},"a","aa","AAA","AAAA"}
  for i=   5 to   10        do before=append(before,repeat('a',i)) end
  before = {}
  for i=  25 to  100 by  25 do before=append(before,repeat('b',i)) end
  for i= 100 to  500 by 100 do before=append(before,repeat('c',i)) end
  before = {}
  for i=1000 to 5000 by 500 do before=append(before,repeat('d',i)) end
  before = {}
  for i=10000 to 50000 by 5000 do before=append(before,repeat('d',i))
end for
end for
------------------END CODE

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: Reverse: fastest yet, long post

In a message dated 11/30/98 7:59:39 PM !!!First Boot!!!, rds at EMAIL.MSN.COM

<< I ran your program on my Pentium-150 and confirmed that
 your new reverse() is faster than mine. So... I made an even
 faster reverse() that beats your new one on all sizes from
 about 10 up. I copied it into your program below:

You guys are crazy!! :)

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