1. Re: jeff zeitlin

Brrr!!! Did someone leave a door open here someplace, or what?  There was a
cold breeze blowing through the place, and I understand it comes from a
so-called member of a large law-enforcement organization.  As being one myself
from some years ago (a cadre-instructor at military police headquarters in the
U.S. Army), I assure you mr. "jeff zeitlin", that representing yourself as
member of the police, or fire-department, or any other civil organization in
your country is ALSO A FELONY.  Now, since you seem to think that mentioning
your so-called status can swing any weight outside of your jurisdictional area
(i.e., where you draw your paycheck for whatever job it is that you do) try
doing it.  For example, try bringing your sidearm (if you have been allowed
one) and your threats into Canada, or Britain, or Japan, and see what happens!
You should know that the higher 'law' that you have sworn to uphold is the
Constitution of the United States of America, which guarantees certain
'unalienable rights', among which are the rights to assembly, freedom of
speech, etc.  You are out of your territory in my neck of the woods, and I was
raised by my parents to not give in to bullies and blackmail.  Mr. Zeitlin,
this is what your 'job' is: to do as you are told to do, not what you think to
do.  I have been there myself, and I assure you that if you are a real person,
in a real position, then you have already broken your oath by the way that you
have placed yourself as to determining whether a law has or has not been
broken.  It is not your choice to make.  Get on with your life, and leave other
people alone with theirs.

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