1. Bot program

Hey, the bot program is pretty cool.  I mad a bot that just made completely
random moves and it finished in 5165491 moves....
I think my next will have to be more intelligent.
But hey, it beat Ralph's bot and one of my "intelligent" ones


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2. Re: Bot program

>Hey, the bot program is pretty cool.  I mad a bot that just made completely
>random moves and it finished in 5165491 moves....
>I think my next will have to be more intelligent.
>But hey, it beat Ralph's bot and one of my "intelligent" ones

Well, my bot aint that hard to beat blink
It was just there as an example. Lucius' bot is a bit harder (should also be
in the package).

But please, if you have a bot, you can do this:
shroud mybot.e -clear_routines

and sent it to the list-serv, so we can see your bot in action. Off course
if you dont mind that people see the internal tricks of your bot, you could
just post it without shrouding.

Anyway, thanks for the interest. I suggest you also check out John Bown's
PixelBot. Its much more advanced, however off course at the cost of
simplicity. But real smart bots cann't  be kept simple. It does all neat
things like having many clones of yourself, and attacking enemies. Much less
specific than the BotMatch that just lets them cruise through a bot. Only
chasing a maze gets a bit boring after a while. But I never had the
intention of release BotMatch, it was just an 'orientation' project.. while
it even started as an example to show Ck how he could use the maze engine to
draw and use a maze.


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