1. People please STOP

The whole belief thing started by some one saying that will not get offended
by tag-lines.
The result: everybody gets offended.

It got out of hand. From now on, any one posting any message on the subject
of religion or certain persons (like Jiri) is considered to be *egoistic* by
at least me, and I hope more.

Why ? It is not in the best interest of any one else on this list, to have
this thing get any more out of hand than it already is. The only motivation
of somebody posting such message is either because they feel they're
offended: deal with it through private mail! or because they like expressing
their belief and they're judgement, to look more interesting or whatever:
try getting attention, if you need it that desperately, elsewhere or in
another way.

No more messages pointed to a certain person, or about religion, tag-lines,
Im not saying anything about the persons that started this. You can use
matches, thats ok. But now its over. Dont trow oil on the fire, okay,
everyone ?


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