1. Re: Robot challenge - More Complex Maze Needed!

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998 00:12:28 -0600, C & K L <candk at TICNET.COM> wrote:

>Irv, I've got my little one-pixel 'bot screaming through your maze, but
>it goes so fast that I can't see the little guy zip through it... so...
>I'm proposing you develop a more complex maze... :)

OK. I didn't want to include Ralf's mazer in the e-mails, but
anyone who wants it can download from RDS website.
Now, if we can get 2 robot routines, we can have a contest.
More importantly, perhaps you will share some insight into
the strategy. (I think there is probably more than one strategy
that would work?)
For a head-to-head contest (pixels got heads?) I suggest a
simple naming convention:
Your robot-moving code should be in an include file: CKBOT.E,
with its function named MoveCKBot() - it returns the new bot
Then to pit one against the other, all we'll have to do is:
include CKBOT.E
include RALFBOT.E

while not(fini) do
Bot[1] = MoveCKBot()
--record the elapsed time
Bot[2] = MoveRalfBot())
-- record the elapsed time
-- DrawBots routine plots the bots and sets fini = TRUE if either
-- bot is at the finish line.
end while


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