1. new truecolor library (ROB:please read)


Thanks to irv for this bug discovery...
truly embarrassing, i had *completely* forgotten
to bug test the convert_bitmap routine after
the library was rewritten and it had a typo.
irv: your syntax was perfect, it was my fault
and i'm very sorry cuz im sure it had you (at least
mildly) fretting and scratching your head.

with this bug fix, i think the library is at about 99%
(or higher) bug free status. (there was one other typo
that caused about 6 lines out of every 400 lines to
have a black smear when placed by true_pixel, and that
is gone now too. i hadn't noticed it until a completely
full sized image was slapped on the screen that had NO
black in it at all, and the tiny smearing made me look

to those the responded that they couldn't get the zip file
from the listserv, and wanted a link to the file instead,
please remember, i had said that i was double posting
the zip file to the listserv AND the EU contributions page.

Rob: please update the alltrue.zip file i sent yesterday
with this attached fixed copy of truecolr.e, and i
finally thought of a name for this new library, and as
such, i'd like the zip filename changed to reflect it, please.
i think that trueEU has a nice ring for the library name :)
so make the zip file trueEU.zip (pwease?)

lastly: to those wanting demos, you can start with the
lose your marbles (marbles.zip) game on the EU page.
that program will be seriously enhanced later to take
advantage of many speed tweaks and new features i've
coded since that program... but, it's a great start
to see the speed and pretty of trueEU. besides, it's fun :)

so, to anyone that DL'd the alltrue.zip or extracted
it from the listserv, please, overwrite your copy of
truecolr.e with THIS copy of the file (attached/zipped)

and *now* you can begin coding :)

p.s. try the laser writing... hinthint...

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