1. word wrap?


Several string related questions for anyone........  help would be

Does any know how to accomplish a word wrap in Euphoria?

Is it possible to insert a '\n' into a string?  I'm thinking the answer
might be useing some of Norman Blais string functions,,,,,,, but I haven't
been able to see the light yet.


Kenneth  Rhodes

Lyons, GA

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2. Re: word wrap?

>Does any know how to accomplish a word wrap in Euphoria?

Taken from a modified BUZZ.EX. This wordwrap is much better than the one
provided by the default BUZZ.EX. (Unless it's been modified from 1.5a)

constant WRAP=80  -- Wrap to 80 characters
sequence string
integer pos

pos = WRAP  -- Start where the wrap is needed
while pos < length(string) do
    if string[pos] = ' ' then    -- Found a space?
        string[pos] = '\n' -- Replace space with newline
        pos = pos + WRAP -- Or pos+=WRAP to be cool if you
                         -- have 2.1 smile
        pos = pos - 1  -- No space, so go backwards.
    end if
end while
puts(1, string)

I don't know how this responds to strings with words that are over WRAP in
length, but I suspect it may loop forever. This code also assumes there are
no newlines and stuff in the string. It should be easy enough to modify to
fix this two problems.

>Is it possible to insert a '\n' into a string?  I'm thinking
>the answer might be useing some of Norman Blais string
>functions,,,,,,, but I haven't been able to see the light

Just use the & operator:

-- Insert '\n' at place 50. (Does not replace)
string = string[1..50] & '\n' & string[51..length(string)]

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3. Re: word wrap?

The wordwrap function in the attached include takes into account the
initial cursor position. If the input string is too long, it is
scanned to find the position of the last space character and a new
newline is inserted just past that point. If there are no spaces in
the preceding string segment, the newline character is simply inserted
at the right margin. Embedded newlines as well as carriage returns are
also considered.

I have done virtually no testing on this, so please be carefull. jiri

-- snip ------------------------------------------------------------

--  file  : wordwrap.e
--  author: jiri babor
--  date  : 99-01-28
--  email : jbabor at paradise.net.nz
--  topic : wordwrap function

integer right_margin

global procedure set_right_margin(integer i)
end procedure

global function wordwrap(sequence text)
    -- if input string is longer
    integer b,c,i,max_length
    sequence pos,s
    pos=machine_func(25,0)  -- get_position() - don't include graphic.e
    b=0                     -- last blank position
    i=1                     -- search position in string
    while length(text)>max_length do
        if i>max_length then
            if not b then b=i-1 end if
        elsif c='\n' or c='\r' then
            if c=' ' then b=i end if
        end if
    end while
    return s & text
end function

right_margin=80 -- default

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4. Re: word wrap?

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:51:27 -0500, Kenneth Rhodes <krhodes at CYBERSOUTH.COM>

>Several string related questions for anyone........  help would be
>Does any know how to accomplish a word wrap in Euphoria?
>Is it possible to insert a '\n' into a string?  I'm thinking the answer
>might be useing some of Norman Blais string functions,,,,,,, but I haven't
>been able to see the light yet.

I have done word-wrapping before, but in my code, I would break down the string
into a set of strings, where each element is one line, stripping out all '\n's. 
Then wrap it.

Then I made a function to rebuild a string from a setofstrings, inserting the
desired spacer between lines.  (a space or '\n' or whatever)

-----------Source (and test code)--------

function StripNewLines( sequence Line )
   --remove all '\n's from a text string, breaking the
   --string into a block of individual lines

   integer posInL
   sequence block

   posInL = 1
   block = {}

   if ( length( Line ) < 2 ) then
      return( { Line } ) --avoid bug if line is only 1 character.
   end if

   for count = 1 to length( Line ) do
      if Line[count] = '\n' then
         block = append( block, Line[posInL..count-1] )
         posInL = count + 1
      end if
   end for
   if posInL < length( Line ) then
      block = append( block, Line[posInL..length( Line )] )
   end if

   return( block )
end function

function wrap_str( sequence Line, integer dLength )
   --wraps a string of text to the desired length,
   --returning a sequence of strings <= that length
   --note: breaks at spaces, tabs, and newlines and strips out
   --      the characters at the break points

   atom oLL, count
   sequence sLine, wLines, tempL

   count = 1
   sLine = StripNewLines( Line )
   wLines = {}
   tempL = {}

   while 1 do

      if count <= length( sLine ) then
         tempL = tempL & sLine[count]
         count = count + 1
      elsif length( tempL ) = 0 then
      end if

      oLL = length( tempL )
      if oLL <= dLength then
         wLines = append( wLines, tempL )
         tempL = {}
         for subcount = dLength to 1 by -1 do
            if find( tempL[subcount], "\t " ) then
               wLines = append( wLines, tempL[1..subcount-1] )
               tempL = tempL[subcount+1..oLL]
            end if
         end for
         if ( length( tempL ) = oLL ) then
            wLines = append( wLines, tempL[1..dLength] )
            tempL = tempL[dLength + 1..oLL]
         end if
      end if
   end while

   return( wLines )
end function

function concatblock( sequence s, sequence spacer )
   --concatenate a block of text strings into a single string,
   --placing spacers between elements if desired

   sequence t
   t = {}
   if compare( s, {} ) then
      t = s[1]
      for c = 2 to length( s ) do
         t = t & spacer & s[c]
      end for
   end if
   return( t )
end function

procedure showit( sequence s )
   for c = 1 to length( s ) do
      puts( 1, s[c] & "\n" )
   end for
end procedure

------Test code
sequence s, sb
integer k

procedure wrapnshow( integer l )
   sb = wrap_str( s, l )
   showit( sb )
   puts( 1, "\n" )
   k = getc( 0 )
end procedure

s = "Twas brillig and the slithy toves "&
    "did gyre and gimble in the wabe, "&
    "all mimsy were the borogoves, "&
    "and the mome raths outgrabe."

puts( 1, s & "\n" )  -- see what it looks like unwrapped
k = getc( 0 )

-- try various wrap lengths...
for l = 80 to 20 by -20 do
   wrapnshow( l )
end for

--sb now equals s wrapped to a length of 20, let's rebuild with "\n"s
sb = concatblock( sb, "\n" )
puts( 1, sb )
puts( 1, "\n^-----(Reconcatenated to one string.)\n\n" )

wrapnshow( 10 )

wrapnshow( 5 )
-- ^test to see what happens when wrap length is less than word length
-- not pretty, but it works.

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