1. Re: Win32Lib --Duh

>I just noticed the code I sent you was a little sloppy for my standards.. it
>worked but wasn't well optimized..
<reaches for his pile of pennies>

>include wildcard.e
>function range(object data, integer low, integer high)
>  return data * (data>=low) * (data<=high)
>end function
>function isAlpha(sequence data)
> --checks a string to see if it contains only
> --valid alpha characters
> sequence up
> up = upper(data)
> if find(0,range(up,'A','Z')) then
>    return 0
> end if
> return 1
>end function
the following will produce slightly (but every tick counts, eh?) faster,
and cleaner resultant code/execution... also, it will work for
ANY euphoria data type now...

func IsAlpha(object data)
   obj up
   up = upper(data)
   return not find(0,range(up,'A','Z'))
end func

>function isNumeric(sequence data)
> --checks a string to see if it contains only
> --valid numeric characters
> --Returns: 1 if all numeric
> --         0 if not.
>  if find(0,range(data,'0','9')) then
>     return 0
>  end if
>  return 1
>end function
ditto above...

func isNum(object data)
   return not find(0,range(data,'0','9'))
end func

this is faster because an average if-then statement block
can take anywhere from 3 to 60, mebbe even 100 ticks
to process, whereas the not statement is nearer a single tick...


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