1. Re: Win32Lib Fixes

I apologize for being sloppy adding bug fixes that people have sent in;
here's a list of stuff that is currently pending for Win32Lib:

Michael Sabal sent in a fix (for the third time) to add SubMenus to
Win32Lib; I'll try to include it in the next release. Really!

Stephen Spencer also sent me (for the second time) a fix for combo boxes
that I'll try to get around to adding this time as well.

Gary Unger has offered a slew of file/directory tools (createDir,
deleteFile, etc.) for Win32Lib. I don't think I'll have a chance to put them
in the next release, it seems like they would make a good addition for
eventual inclusion.

I found the code for createPixmap (now renamed createDIB), but further
testing showed there were some other problems in the code, such as word
aligning scanlines; I'll need to hammer on the code quite a bit before the
function is ready for official release...

The next release will probably see an additional parameter (Horiz/Vert) to
the various scroll functions so I can support scroll bars in windows (yes,
Michael; I haven't forgotten).

Thanks to all who have helped!

-- David Cuny

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