1. Last release of EE from the CyrekSoft stables...

Since I now have to devote all my time to other things, I've spent the
past few evenings adding a few more neat things (and the colour and save
as bugfixes) to EE.

It's now got:
 * A Clipboard Viewer [CTRL+B],
 * Wildcard options at the bottom of the files list,
   e.g. [*.EX ] DOS32 Programs
        [*.*  ] All Files
 * Wildcard handling on the command line
   e.g. ex ee *.ini
 * Rudimentary project-like handling.
 * A few other tweaks thrown in for good measure.

See CYREK.TXT/EXAMPLE.PRJ in the installation for more details...

Apologies to those who have had trouble with my webpage's identity crisis
at Bigfoot. Just select the first link and ignore the other.

Enjoy EE,

PS Rob? Could you please stick an "updated" next to my link please? :)

PPS If anyone finds any major bugs, I'll fix them, but I *am* pressed for
    time (hence me typing this *long* after I should have gone home).

Carl R White -- cyrek- at -bigfoot.com -- http://www.bigfoot.com/~cyrek
 aka Cyrek   --    No hyphens :)    --       Bigfoot URL Alias

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