1. Macro PreProcessor.


    I just created a Macro PreProcessor.
It is still in its infancy and I intend to add multiple line block
type interface.  I will continue to Upload my updated versions to my

It is currently at version 2.11.  Both version 1.01 and version 2.11
are available at the site.

    They are NOT compatible.
2.11 will not handle 1.01 style Macros and vise versa.
1.01 style would not have been able to handle block style Macros.

    I only remember creating the following versions.
version 1.00.  I sent that to Ralf.  It simply didn't work.  Period !!
Then there was 1.01.  It corrected the minor bugs that kept 1.00 from
functioning.  Then there was 2.00. It was the 1st block style.
I then created 2.10.  It added an easily configurable macro comment_flag
variable.  NOW I have 2.11 it corrects minor critical bug that had made
it through the previous versions.

PS: Though 2.11 shows a block style structure it structure it doesn't
    yet support spanning of multiple lines.  That is a hurdle I haven't

        Lucius L. Hilley III
Macro PreProcessor can be found under EUPHORIA FILES.

        name="Lucius L. Hilley III.vcf"

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