1. Generic Access Control v1.0 beta

Hi all,

This is Generic Access Control v1.0 beta.  It uses the exportable secure
hash algorithm SHA-1 ported to Euphoria by Davi T. Figueiredo to limit
access to anything coded by an Euphoria program.

I'm trying to judge demand, so please e-mail me if you want this.  If you=

find the beta useful, perhaps you can remember to vote for this program
when it goes on the website.  (Robert, don't worry.  SHA-1 is freely
exportable.  No crypto here!)

The documentation hasn't been written yet.  But here's a comprehensive
rough outline.

Just include ACCESS.E and you have access to the following seven routines=

loadAF() loads (or creates) an access database in the current directory

Quirk Note: The access database will be created in the current directory.=

For the beta release, I suggest you copy the two .E files into your
Euphoria program source directory and run the program from the source's
directory.  I hope to make this unnecessary in the future.  Also, you
cannot have two programs running ACCESS.E in the same directory, unless y=
want the programs sharing the access database.

saveAF() save any additions/changes to the access database to disk

purgeAF() purges the entire access database on the disk

i =3D addAC(sequence username, sequence password)

Add the username and password to the access database in memory.  The
password is hashed using SHA-1, which is a one way hash.  i can be

AC_SUCCESS: successfully added
AC_FAIL: the username already exists

i =3D delAC(sequence username) deletes the username from the access datab=

i can be

AC_SUCCESS deleted
NO_ENTRY no such username in access database

i =3D verify(sequence username, sequence password) finds the username in =
database, hashes the input password and compares it with the hash value i=
the database

i can be

GRANTED matches
DENIED passwords do not match
NO_ENTRY no such username in database

changepass(sequence username, sequence old_pass, sequence new_pass)
changes the password of the username.  First verifies the old password an=
then replaces the hash of the old password to the hash of the new passwor=

i can be the same values as function verify

Please let me know about any comments or suggestions.  Thanks.


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