1. EU 2.2

Hi, I just got the 2.2 beta set up. I'm running win98 and every time i try
to do something (eg: copy, delete, bind, first open, etc) the exw.exe file,
the computer wants to slow down and do nothing for almost 30 seconds. it's
pretty anoying. has anyone else had this problem? I'm thinking it's either
because of the new icon, or the compression used.


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2. Re: EU 2.2

Mark Honnor writes:
> Hi, I just got the 2.2 beta set up. I'm running win98 and
> every time i try to do something (eg: copy, delete, bind,
> first open, etc) the exw.exe file, the computer wants to
> slow down and do nothing for almost 30 seconds.

I've been running the new exw.exe mainly on Win98
and haven't had any problems like that.

There are a couple of situations where exw might
deliberately delay. One is where you haven't installed
things correctly and you bind a program. The bound
program might issue a message about "one moment please..."
and delay for several seconds. In the second
situation, the PD exw might delay if you alter a stamped
include file. You'll get a delay plus an error message
telling you to delete the "with xxxxx" statement.

On my 350 MHz machine, I don't notice any difference
in start-up time between the compressed exw and
the uncompressed.

Simply copying or deleting exw.exe can't cause a delay
unless there is something really weird happening on your
system. exw.exe is just a file like any other.
(Is a virus scanner trying to inspect the file?).

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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