1. Auto Detect Sound Card

Here is a little utility to Autodetect a sound card and return the
base address of the card (for Adlib compatible cards). This works on my
Sound Blaster 16. You need ports.e to use this code. If you find any
bugs or anything please let me know. If you know how to get the IRQ
and DMA channel without using the enviroment string please let me
know also. Usual disclaimer. If it breaks your computer or anyone
elses, I am not responsible. Use at your own risk. Released to the public domain

Tip of the Day:The light at the end of the tunnel is usually a train.

-------------------Code Below-------------------

--Checks for Sound Card
--Detects the presence of an Adlib Compatable Sound Card
--You need ports.e for this to work
--Released to the Public Domain

include ports.e

constant DATA_READY = #AA

-------------Write Sound Card Register----------------
procedure WriteSndReg(integer reg, integer val)
    --Write to a sound card register
    integer temp
        Output(reg, #388)
        for tmp = 1 to 6 do      --wait 6 miliseconds
            temp = Input(#388)
        end for
        Output(val, #389)
        for tmp = 1 to 35 do    --wait 35 miliseconds
            temp = Input(#388)
        end for
end procedure

----------------Detect Sound Card--------------------

function Detect_Sound_Card()
    --Detects a Adlib Compatible Card
    --Return 1 if true 0 if not found

    integer a, b, c, success

        WriteSndReg(#4, #60)
        WriteSndReg(#4, #80)
        WriteSndReg(#2, #FF)
        WriteSndReg(#4, #21)
        for tmp = 1 to 130 do
            a = Input(#388)
        end for
        c = Input(#388)
        WriteSndReg(#4, #60)
        WriteSndReg(#4, #80)
        if and_bits(b,#E0) = 0 then
            if and_bits(c,#E0) = #C0 then
                success = 1
                for tmp = 1 to #F5 do     --reset Sound Card
                    WriteSndReg(tmp, 0)
                end for
            end if
        end if
    return success
end function


function Get_Base_Address()
-- Get Base Address of Card
integer baseport, resetport, readport, data

data = 0
baseport = #210
resetport = #216
readport = #21A
    while (data != DATA_READY) and (baseport<#270) do
       Output(1, resetport)
       for x = 1 to 3 do
       end for
       Output(0, resetport)
       data = 0

       for x = 0 to 99 do
       data = Input(readport)
       end for

       if data = DATA_READY then
            baseport = baseport + #10
            resetport = resetport + #10
            readport = readport + #10
       end if
    end while

    if baseport = #270 then
        return 0
        return baseport
    end if
end function

function DetectCard()
    integer temp
    if Detect_Sound_Card() then
        temp = Get_Base_Address()
        return temp
        return 0
    end if
end function
-------------------End of Support Code------------------------

integer temp
temp = DetectCard()
if temp then
    puts(1, "Sound Card Detected\n")
    printf(1, "Base Address is %x\n", temp)
    puts(1, "Sound Card not detected\n")
end if

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