1. More Questions...

Hello again,

Let's me first say thank you to all who answered my previous postings on
DLL's, they
have been very helpfull. I'm still having trouble with them, just new

I have a section code written in C that I'm having a lot of trouble porting
to Euphoria,
because I really don't understand whats happening.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   glutInit(&argc, argv);


This is obviously the main routine. The program draws a 3D cube on the
windows screen. According
to some documentation they say that:


>void glutInit(int *argcp, char **argv);
>A pointer to the program's unmodified argc variable from main. Upon
return, the value pointed
to by argcp will be updated, because glutInit extracts any command line
options intended for the GLUT library.
>The program's unmodified argv variable from main. Like argcp, the data for
argv will be updated
because glutInit extracts any command line options understood by the GLUT


I guess what I want to know is how "*argcp" and "**argv" work? How do they
get their initial values?
Is there a way to port this to Euphoria?

Any help with this will be very appreciated.

Paul Martin

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2. Re: More Questions...

At 10:01 PM 21-03-1999 , you wrote:
>int main(int argc, char** argv)
>   glutInit(&argc, argv);

In C argc is the number of elements in the command line. argv is a pointer
to a string array, holding the text of each command line item.

          Daniel  Berstein
         [ daber at pair.com ]

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