1. Dave, how do I detect double clicks on List items?

  What I'm trying to do is open a window that edits list items when you
double click them.  I already have a pushbutton to do it, but for sake of
shortcut the double click would be nice.
  First I tried by making a variable called clicked.  Here is the onChange
routine for the list:

  if clicked = getIndex(List01) then
    clicked = getIndex(List01)
  end if

  The only problem is the program runs through the above procedure twice.  So
it then put in a skip variable, which alternates between off and on.  If skip
= off then it will do the above, else skip = on.  However, now it takes five
clicks to open Win2.  Below is the test code I used.  I'm trying to put this
feature in all my lists for my game, so if I can figure out the problem in
the test I can translate it easily.
  Any suggestions?

Derek Brown

include win32lib.ew
without warning

integer clicked, skip
with trace

  Win = create(Window,"Win",0,100,100,300,300,0),
  Win2 = create(Window,"Win2",0,150,150,150,150,0),
  List01 = create(List,"",Win,10,10,200,250,0)

procedure OpenWin()
  clicked = 0
  skip = 0
end procedure

procedure Update()
  if skip = 0 then skip = 1 else skip = 0 end if
  if skip = 0 then
    if clicked = getIndex(List01) then
      clicked = 0
      clicked = getIndex(List01)
    end if
  end if
end procedure

procedure CloseWin2()
  clicked = 0
end procedure

onOpen[Win] = routine_id("OpenWin")
onChange[List01] = routine_id("Update")
onClose[Win2] = routine_id("CloseWin2")


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2. Re: Dave, how do I detect double clicks on List items?

Derek Brown wondered:

>  What I'm trying to do is open a window that edits
> list items when you double click them

Use onMouse to trap the double click. Here's an example:

procedure Mouse( integer event, integer x, integer y )
    if event = LEFT_DOUBLECLICK then
        -- your code goes here...
    end if
end procedure
onMouse[List01] = routine_id("Mouse")

-- David Cuny

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