1. Euphoria and CGI scripts

Hello all.

I don't know anything about writing CGI scripts, but I know it can be done
in Euphoria.  Does a program have to be bound in order to be used as a CGI
script, or could an interpreted program be used?  I was also wondering how
much I'd have to learn in order to write CGI scripts in Euphoria.  Would I
have to learn anything about programming for networks, etc.?



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2. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts

On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, Ben wrote:
> Hello all.
> I don't know anything about writing CGI scripts, but I know it can be done
> in Euphoria.  Does a program have to be bound in order to be used as a CGI
> script, or could an interpreted program be used?  I was also wondering how
> much I'd have to learn in order to write CGI scripts in Euphoria.  Would I
> have to learn anything about programming for networks, etc.?


No, it is not necessary to bind. You can run a cgi by including the shell path
#!/home/user/euphoria/bin/exu line at the top (in Linux) or via a batch file
(in Windows).  This might raise some security issues, however, so eventually
you may prefer to bind the cgi's.

You won't need to know much at all about networks, just a couple of things
about how html forms and actions work.  It's pretty simple.

Unfortunately, I removed my cgi tutorial from my web site, and have lost the
source. It's possible that Rob has a copy (?)

Below is a simple cgi to return the environmental variables:

Irv Mullins


constant envars =

-- build html page:
   puts(1,"Content-type: text/HTML\n\n") -- most important!
   puts(1,"<H3>Euphoria CGI environmental variables found:</H3>\n")

-- retrieve values of environmental variables listed above:
   for i = 1 to length(envars) do
       if not atom (getenv(envars[i])) then -- show only initialized vars
          printf(1, "<LI>%s = %s </LI>", {envars[i], getenv(envars[i])} )
       end if
   end for

-- end html page:

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3. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts


On my website is a cgi.e program which my help get you started. The URL is
http://2fargon.hypermart.net/ and it is under the downloads section.  This
include file was written for EuLinux, but with a couple of minor changes, it
should work just fine on windows as well.  An important thing to note is
that unless you have your own web server, you'll have to get the sysop to
agree to install the Euphoria interpreter in order for your scripts to
work.  Let me know how it goes and if you need any help!


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4. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts


Brian, I looked at your CGI.E.  It doesn't look like it would be too
complicated, but I'll have to do some reading on using CGI scripts from the
HTML end in order to get some perspective.

I have a homepage at Geocities, and I don't know what their policy on CGI
scripts is.  If there are some security issues, they might have a problem
with it.  I'll have to look into it.


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5. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts

On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Thanks!
> I have a homepage at Geocities, and I don't know what their policy on CGI
> scripts is.  If there are some security issues, they might have a problem
> with it.  I'll have to look into it.

I don't know about Geocities, but most ISP's would - understandably - refuse to
run Euphoria or anything other than perl scripts, for fear of locking up a
server. Even then, they usually limit CGI's to commercial accounts.

Options: 1.locate a very small ISP who will cooperate,  2. get a static IP
address and use your home pc to serve the web, or 3. just run on a local loop.


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6. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts

>I have a homepage at Geocities, and I don't know what their policy on CGI
>scripts is.  If there are some security issues, they might have a problem
>with it.

I can tell you that it's very doubtful that Geocities will let you run cgi
scripts, especially one that's not written in Perl.  My advice would be to
explain what you want to do to your ISP, and if that doesn't work, call the
computer lab at your local college or university and see if they would be
willing to give you a shell account.

You might also try setting up a webserver on your own PC. There is a very
good one called ALIBABA which I have used for Euphoria CGI before, and it's
really easy to set up.  The best part is, if you a running the server and
you have a web browser, you don't even need to be connected to the internet
to run your cgi programs.  This is very good if you're like me and can't
afford to have a dedicated high-speed internet connection.

Hope this helps,

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7. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts

For Ben and whoever:

I have posted a set of Euphoria CGI scripts demonstrating the use of the CGI
environment and CGI forms. They run on Linux, and should work on Windows as
well. Download cgi.zip from http://www.mindspring.com/~mountains

Also, there are some updates there to GraphApp.


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8. Re: Euphoria and CGI scripts

Este es un mensaje multipartes en formato MIME.


A question for all the cgi gurus

When I call a cgi from a link without parameters in my web page (not a
form), there is not any data to cgiparse.

I'm doing a guest book.  I want call the cgi from a link to view the all
the messages and a form to add a new one.

When the same cgi is called from the form, add the message to the
database before do the 'normal' operation.

I have problems with some '0' that appear in the database between the
What is the problem?
Marco A. Achury P.
mailto:achury at eldish.net
ICQ: 19390207
Caracas, Venezuela
Content-Disposition: inline;


global integer ArchDatos
constant archivo="../mensajes/mensajes.db"

global atom dump --Archivo al que se volcan variables

include get.e

-- Interpreta la entrada estandar proveniente de un formulario
function cgi_parse(sequence entrada)
sequence hex
sequence val
atom car -- Caracter a calculado con hexagesimal
-- atom dig -- Digito hexagesimal
integer i -- Caracter siendo analizado
integer j -- Indica numero de "registro", consecutivo de parametros
integer k -- Indica numero de "campo" del registro: 1->Nombre 2->Valor
sequence parametros
    if equal(entrada, {}) then
        return {}
    end if
    i=1     j=1     k=1
    while i<length(entrada) do
        if entrada[i]='+' then
            parametros[j][k]=append(parametros[j][k], ' ')
        elsif entrada[i]='=' then
        elsif entrada[i]='&' then
            parametros = append(parametros, {{},{}})
        elsif entrada[i]='%' then
            parametros[j][k]=append(parametros[j][k], car)
            parametros[j][k]=append(parametros[j][k], entrada[i])
        end if
    end while
    puts(dump, "Salida de cgi-parse")
    print(dump, parametros)
    return parametros
end function

procedure NuevoMensaje(sequence entrada)  --Pone un nuevo mensaje en la base de
sequence mensajes
sequence Nombre --Remitente del mensaje
sequence Texto --Contiene el texto del mensaje
    if sequence(entrada[1][2]) and sequence( entrada[2][2]) then
        Nombre = entrada[1][2]
        Texto = entrada[2][2]
        --Abrir base de datos...
        if ArchDatos!=-1 then --Si existe el archivo
            --Lee la estructura de datos
        else --Si no existe, tendremos que crear una nueva...
        end if
        if equal(mensajes,{}) then
            mensajes ={Nombre, Texto}
            -- Poner la entrada al final de la hilera de mensajes
            mensajes=prepend(mensajes, {Nombre, Texto})
        end if
        -- Si hay muchos mensajes elimina los mas viejos
        if length(mensajes)>20  then
        end if
        -- Grabar nuestra estructura en la base de datos
        print(ArchDatos, mensajes)
    end if
end procedure

procedure encabezados()
    puts (1,"Content-type: text/html\n\n")
    puts (1,"<html><body>\n")
    puts (1,"<a href=\"/index.html\">Volver a nuestra pagina principal</a>\n")
    puts (1,"<h1>Tablero de mensajes</h1>\n")
    puts (1,"Bienvenido a nuestro sistema de mensajes<br>\n")
end procedure

procedure formulario()
    -- Abrir archivo html, y volcarlo en el formulario
    puts(1,"<h2>Enviar Mensajes</h2>\n" &
    "<form action=\"/cgi-bin/mensajes.exu\" method=\"POST\">\n"&
    "Nombre: <input type=\"text\" name=\"nombre\"><BR>\n"&
    "Comentario:<textarea name=comentario rows=3 cols=60></textarea>\n"&
    "<input type=submit value=\"ENVIAR\"><input type=reset value=\"BORRAR\">\n"&
    "<hr><p>Marco Antonio Achury<br>Agosto de 1999")
end procedure

procedure MostrarMensajes()
sequence mensajes
sequence nombre
object contenido
    if mensajes[1] = GET_SUCCESS then
        puts (1,"Encontrados mensajes <br>")
        for r=1  to length(mensajes)  do
--          ? mensajes
            puts(1, "<p>Mensaje de: <b>")
            puts(1, nombre)
            puts(1, "</b><p>")
            puts(1, contenido)
            puts(1, "<hr>")
        end for
    end if
end procedure

procedure pagina()
    -- Probar si existe la base de datos
    if ArchDatos=-1 then  --Si la base de datos no existe
        puts(1, "En este momento no hay mensajes.<br>")
    end if
end procedure

-- procedure @ProgramaPrincipal()
object entrada
    entrada = gets (0)
    -- Si la llamada trae datos (hecha desde formulario)
    dump =open("../mensajes/dump", "w")
    if sequence(entrada) then
        -- Poner nuevo mensaje en la base de datos
    end if
    --Presentar la pagina actualizada


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