1. Controlling gets(0) color

This problem is most vexing.

I use gets(0) to get input from the keyboard.  I want that text to be
displayed in a certain color.  For example, I put the prompt in the
standard dos white on black, then I use gets.  As I type, gets() displays=

the input.  I've tried text_color(), I've tried shading prior to the
gets(0) call.  No matter what I do, gets overwrites what I've shaded; it
insists on displaying white on black.  No changing of foreground or
background color.  What can I do?

This is one of the few times where I wish this library routine wasn't bui=
into the interpreter.


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2. Re: Controlling gets(0) color

>This problem is most vexing.
>I use gets(0) to get input from the keyboard.  I want that text to be
>displayed in a certain color.  For example, I put the prompt in the
>standard dos white on black, then I use gets.  As I type, gets()
>the input.  I've tried text_color(), I've tried shading prior to the
>gets(0) call.  No matter what I do, gets overwrites what I've shaded;
>it insists on displaying white on black.  No changing of foreground or
>background color.  What can I do?
>This is one of the few times where I wish this library routine wasn't
>built into the interpreter.

-- Untested code
-- thisthat.e
include get.e
include graphics.e

global procedure getstring()
    -- Get input from keyboard, uses current colors for input
    -- Set color to use before calling routine.
    sequence string, pos
    integer c

    string = {}
    while string[length(string)] != '\n' do
        c = wait_key()
        if c = 8 and length(string)>0 then   -- backspace?
            pos = get_position()
            position(pos[1], pos[2]-1)
            puts(1, " ")
            position(pos[1], pos[2]-1)
            string = string[1..length(string)-1]
            string = append(string, c)
            puts(1, c)
        end if
    end while
    return string
end procedure

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