1. Re: Stripped Perl?

>Date:    Wed, 24 Jun 1998 05:12:12 -0400
>From:    Falkon <Falkn13 at IBM.NET>
>Subject: Re: Stripped Perl?
>include input.e  --(custom include with prompt input and value-checking)
>   y = InputPosInt( "Enter a month with less than 31 days (0 to quit): " )

    That isn't "allowed", or all statements in InputPosInt will count
    either, maybe I forgot to request "no custom functions allowed"?

>It's a high-level language.  It can do i = i+3 and j = j+1, which
>have the same effect and are more readable.

    Which is why I hate BASIC because I must repeat the variable name.

>Not quite sure what that does, but I believe you mean something like...

    Right, w/o the possibility of overwriting a file and the file would be
    deleted instantly.

>   $? = incomprehensible_symbol (errorlevel?),
>   >> = appendto pipe in DOS, some kind of stream direction in C++,
>    8 = 8

    $? returns status of last external command (`backtick`, system, pipe

    $? & 255 (Euph: and_bits($?, 255)) returns which signal the process
    died from, if any.

    $? >> 8 (Euph: floor($? / 256); >> is shift right like in C) returns
    the errorlevel.

>  "if append( 8, errorlevel ) then" : "if (errorlevel != 0) then"
>  The Euphoria version looks just like your comment, right?  Needed

    Right if there were an "errorlevel" variable.

>translation.  But on the other hand, any programmer can understand the
>Euphoria version of that basic statement, even if they've never heard of

    Which is why Euphorians need shroud and Perl programmers don't.

>   Variable_id(), a pointer to the variable, wouldn't be good, or necessary.

    I am longing for by-reference argument passing available in most
    other languages (BASIC, Pascal, C++).

    If that can't be done at least we can be C-like by passing a

    Pointers aren't ghosts to be afraid of, they work miracles if only
    you had them in the first place. Those who do NOT want to use it
    can keep their hands off it.

>to compile them on my compiler so that they'd work.  Euphoria saves you all
>that hassle and gives you the binaries, you don't even need to know c to
>use Euphoria.

    Saves from all that hassle but doesn't tell "hey this is how I work".

>   I'd guess that there's a pre-compiled version of Perl available somewhere
>too, though.


>>There is no debugging facility at all in Perl
>   Hmm...all that cryptic code and no way to debug it?  Pbbt.
>-100 points.

    Correction -- there is no d. f. at all in Perl that I have ever
    used or have ever dreamt of, its code is surprisingly cleaner than
    Euphoria's end-of-block-anywhere, full-of-english-like-words and
    full-of-repetition-of-variable-names. Euphoria beats Perl in its
    simplicity in handling sequences and functions, but...

>   I'm not slamming Perl, I'm sure it's pretty powerful and has some
>use.  But Euphoria is not a stripped-down perl.  It's a distinctly
>different language with it's own strengths and weaknesses that
>is at least the equal of Perl, IMO.

    Hmm -- I've warned you it's an advertisement I'm not paid for...

    If any of you have ever used `get` on my server, you have executed
    at least two perl scripts.

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