1. Re: short circuiting/PERL

At 07:01 PM 6/25/98 -0700, Mnty King wrote:

>    Hi,
>    TWO CENTS TO FOLLOW: (be forwarned)
>     I haven't really been following the short circuiting thread very much,
>but I can tell you that what I have seen of it doesn't sound too great.  I
>really wish all of you "C" programmers out there would quit trying to turn
>Euphoria into C.  I have a real hard time as it is trying to understand the
>structures, etc that the new additions have added to Euphoria, although I
>admit that I like what the new stuff brings...
>    But as far as logic goes, I like the way it works now.  If I WERE
>registered, all of the problems that I encounter now with solving coding
>errors would dissapear and my programs would work fine.  As it is, if I run
>into a problem, I eventually solve it, (usually with a wait_key statement, a
>puts(1,"made it to this point!") and and abort(1) )and then it DOES work
>fine as is.
>    My point is, if it adds a functionality that we don't have now, then add
>it if it doesn't break the existing logic flow of programs... because I want
>to be able to do what I need to do, but I don't want what is here now
>changed.  The fact that I don't understand half of the letters that were
>written about it, tells me that it adds a cryptic quality to code that is
>not understandable by everyone.
>    I know I am not dense...merely sometimes under educated and informed
>(which I try to remedy)
>    Sorry if I have offended anyone, but I am not trying to.
>Monty in Oregon

Nice summing up, Monty. I agree.

No, short circuting does not add any extra functionality
to the launguage, it is a typing shortcut. Most of the
letters on the subject have been one of 3 types:

1) "I want a typing shortcut"

2) Why bother?

3) (trying to work out how to achieve the same results
    with the non short circuting if..then statement we have)

How case 3 amounted to more than about ten words
is beyond me.

And while I'm complaining about the amount of
stuff I'm wading through; I don't know PERL.
I don't want to know PERL. I don't care if
every computer running PERL spontainiously
combusts in 3 minute's time (especially if
this cuts down the amount of stuff about
another launguage I get from the **EUPHORIA**
mailing list).


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