1. Re: Short Circuiting/goodies.e

[Short Circuiting]

My own two cents here. I found it suprising that Euphoria doesn't allow
short circuiting,
since it requires that ranges be checked, or it will blow up.

For example, I was coding something like this the other day:

   if compare( s[1..3], "EOF" ) then
   end if

(See Robert? I'm always forgetting that '=0'...)

Anyway, you need to make sure that length(s) > 3. So the newbie test

   if  length( s ) >= 3 and compare( s[1..3], "EOF" ) = 0 then
   end if

Boom! As soon as a length < 3 comes along, the code crashes. So it's
modified to:

   if  length( s ) > 2 then
      if compare( s[1..3], "EOF" ) = 0 then
      end if
   end if

Only now, I'm stuck not being able to get to the 'else' portion of the
logic. Grrr...

Now, I know that I can write a "safe" slice comparison routine, like:

   function slice( sequence s, integer i1, integer i2 )

      -- "safer" slice. returns slice of requested size
      -- still blows up with slice sizes of < 1, etc.

      integer l

      l = length( s )
      if l < i2 then
         s = s & repeat( 0, i2-l )
      end if

      return s[i1..i2]
   end function

and then the code becomes reasonable again:

   if compare( slice( s, 1, 3 ), "EOF" ) = 0 then
   end if

Anyway, back to the point: we get stuck BOTH ways: Euphoria blows up
when the ranges are not checked, but often makes us jump through hoops
to check the ranges.


I've been complaining to Robert that I always forget the '= 0' on tests

   if compare( s, "EOF ) =0 then

and wanted:

   if same( s, "EOF" ) then

built into Euphoria. He kindly suggested that this was material more
appropriate for an include file.

I offer the slice() function for that same hypothetical include file
("goodies.e"), along with:

   global constant
      TRUE  = 1,
      FALSE = 0

I'd include the new DOS functions that were posted the other day, but
I'm thinking that the routines should be usable by both Win32 and DOS32.

Any more suggestions of things to include?

-- David Cuny

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