1. Range checking

Hi all,

I'm stuck on a silly problem I can't solve.
I'm quite profane blink on things like parsing, scanning and so on, so I need
some help.
I want to write a routine to let the user input some
ranges  just like when in Micro$oft Word you want to print a range of pages.
Eg. 1-2,5-10,13,16-20.

Any1 has some ideas ? I tried some but none succeeded.

Many TIA,

Maurizio Moroni
Omnitel Pronto Italia SpA
Network Testing Dept.

e-mail : maurizio.moroni at omnitel.it

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2. Re: Range checking

>Hi all,
>I'm stuck on a silly problem I can't solve.
>I'm quite profane blink on things like parsing, scanning and so on, so I need
>some help.
>I want to write a routine to let the user input some
>ranges  just like when in Micro$oft Word you want to print a range of
>Eg. 1-2,5-10,13,16-20.

Here is my quick attempt at it. There sure are better, shorter and faster
ways to do this, but this should work. You might need to trim it a little so
that it fits into your program. Call the function parsepages(), you will be
asked to input the ranges, and then a sequence containing all pages to be
printed (or whatever) is returned, eg. {1,2,5,7,8,9}. It will return -1 if
it finds some errors. Input filter should be added, so the user cannot input
stuff like "{"abc",23}", since value will return GET_SUCCESS on this.
Anyway, here it is: (Regards, Einar Mogen)
include get.e

function parsepages()
    sequence data, number, junk, pages
    integer ascii, FROM, TO, range, addpage
    puts(1,"Enter ranges:\n")
    data = gets(0)
    data = data[1..length(data)-1]
    range = 0
    addpage = 0
    number = {}
    pages = {}
    for counter = 1 to length(data) do
        ascii = data[counter]
        if ascii = '-' then
            range = 1
            junk = value(number)
            if junk[1] != GET_SUCCESS then
                return -1
            end if
            FROM = junk[2]
            number = {}
        elsif ascii = ',' then
            junk = value(number)
            if junk[1] != GET_SUCCESS then
                return -1
            end if
            number = {}
            addpage = 1
            number = number&ascii
        end if
        if counter = length(data) then
            junk = value(number)
            if junk[1] != GET_SUCCESS then
                return -1
            end if
            addpage = 1
        end if
        if addpage then
            if range then
                TO = junk[2]
                if TO < FROM then
                    return -1
                end if
                for add = FROM to TO do
                    pages = append(pages,add)
                end for
                pages = append(pages, junk[2])
            end if
            range = 0
            addpage = 0
        end if
    end for
    return pages
end function

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