1. version 4.1.0 and memstructs
- Posted by ryanj Dec 16, 2015
Forked from Re: eusqlite and SDL on Windows 8.1
Ok, this kind of needs to be standardised.
I have the memstruct include, but rightly or wrongly I overwite installs. So I have overwritten the eu 4.1 that wasn't working, with eu 4.05 that is, and as a result the includes still show the memstruct include.
Now the 4.1 was an overwrite too - and I don't know whether the last overwrite was with 4.1 + memstructs, or 4.1 - memstructs.
Running eui in the backed up folder tells me it's 4.1 development using system memory, and the most recently installed tells me that it's 4.05 using managed memory.
I propose, as a matter of urgency that a versioning system be included in the euphoria interpreters / compilers etc, that tells us which version is being used, which branch / sub branch etc.
It would also seem that the standard includes progress at a slower rate than the interpreter - these should be versioned too, maybe to match a range in the interpreter, and if an update to the includes is required for some new feature, then the interpreter should halt until the includes have been updated.
I think memstructs is a very important feature, but it is taking so long for eu 4.1 to get finished. What if version 4.1.0 was released without memstructs, and then we start working on 4.2.0 with memstructs? That way, there is a clear distinction between the two. Anyone using memstructs features would use 4.2.0 (dev), while those who don't need it can use 4.1.0 (final) and not have to deal with the confusion.
Are there any major reasons why 4.1.0 is not ready to release without memstructs? I have no intention of putting off memstructs to a later time, just freezing development of 4.1 and separating it to a different version so this very important feature has a clear starting point in the Euphoria versions timeline.
2. Re: version 4.1.0 and memstructs
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Dec 16, 2015
I think memstructs is a very important feature, but it is taking so long for eu 4.1 to get finished. What if version 4.1.0 was released without memstructs, and then we start working on 4.2.0 with memstructs? That way, there is a clear distinction between the two. Anyone using memstructs features would use 4.2.0 (dev), while those who don't need it can use 4.1.0 (final) and not have to deal with the confusion.
Are there any major reasons why 4.1.0 is not ready to release without memstructs?
Looking at all blocking tickets (which would hold up a release), there's only one which applies to 4.1.0 http://openeuphoria.org/ticket/index.wc?per_page=20&page=1&type_id=-1&category_