1. wxEuphoria add items to list box

Having a difficult time adding items to a wxListBox. Latest ver of wxEuphoria.. under Win7.

Here is code to create the list box. It behaves as expected.

	db_group = create(wxStaticBox, {Win,-1,"",dbGX,dbGY,dbGW,dbGH}), 
	label_db_group = create(wxStaticText,{db_group,-1," Databases ", (140-56)*.5,1,56,14,0}),	 
	list2 = create(wxListBox,{db_group,-1,5,24,130,268}) 

This is the code to populate the list box.. see coments

procedure open_a_DB()	--startfold 
 	integer result object dbName = {} result = db_open(pathTodbList) 
 	if result != DB_OK then  
	    message_box("Unable to open a Database .... none exist." & CR & "Close this message box, and select Create A New Family/Surname Database. ", "No Database(s) Exist", #0 ) 
		db_select_table("databases") x = db_table_size() 
		for i = 1 to x do  
			dbName = db_record_data(i)  
puts(1,to_string(dbName) & CrLf)						-- prints correctly 
			insert_item( list2, i, dbName )  			-- nothing is placed in the list box 
			--insert_listctrl_item( list2,i,dbName,0)	        -- nothing is placed in the list box 
			--set_first_list_item(list2,dbName)			-- nothing is placed in the list box 
			--add_item( list2,{dbName}) 				-- error message indicates add_item does not exist 
		end for	 
		refresh_window ( Win)							-- nothing changes	 
		show_window(db_group,1)							-- displays correctly 
	end if 
end procedure			--endfold 

Help appreciated

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2. Re: wxEuphoria add items to list box

A wxListBox is a simple list of string items. It looks like you are confusing it with a wxListCtrl (a.k.a. "ListView"). Try this instead...

add_item( list2, dbName ) 


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3. Re: wxEuphoria add items to list box

tried add_item ( list2,dbName )

have this error message when using add_item: errors resolving the reference.... add_item

did a search for add_item in wxeud.e.. found this at line 229:

	WX_ADD_ITEM                            = wx_define_c_proc( "add_item", {dll:C_POINTER,dll:E_OBJECT} ), 

and these, starting at line 6441:

--Inserts the item into the /i list before /i position. Not valid for /b wxLB_SORT or /b wxCB_SORT styles, use /add_item instead. 
public procedure insert_item( atom list, integer position, sequence text ) 
    c_proc( WX_INSERT_ITEM, {list, position, text} ) 
end procedure 
--/topic List Controls 
--/proc add_item( atom combo, sequence text ) 
--Used to add one or more strings into a /wxListBox, /wxComboBox, or /wxChoice.   
--  /i text can be either a string, or a sequence of strings, in which case all of the  
-- items will be  added. 
--This is also used to enter one or more string, bitmap sequences into a /wxBitmapComboBox. 
public procedure add_item( atom list, sequence text ) 
    c_proc( WX_ADD_ITEM, {list, text} ) 
end procedure 

Could there be a duplicate routine, add_item, in some other include ????

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4. Re: wxEuphoria add items to list box

found probable name conflict in euphoria

in the manual, add_item

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5. Re: wxEuphoria add items to list box

Strange... shouldn't the interpreter be providing some sort of useful error about the conflict then?

I certainly get an error using the following code...

include std/sequence.e 
include wxeu/wxeud.e 
    Main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Test", -1, -1, 640, 480} ), 
    List = create( wxListBox, {Main, -1} ), 
add_item( List, "Item One" ) 
wxMain( Main ) 

<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 
    'add_item' (test.exw:10) has been declared more than once. 
        in C:/Euphoria/include/std/sequence.e 
        in C:/Euphoria/include/wxeu/wxeud.e 
add_item( List, "Testing" ) 

In any case, the issue is resolved thusly...

include std/sequence.e 
include wxeu/wxeud.e as wx -- ADD 'wx' NAMESPACE HERE 
    Main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Test", -1, -1, 640, 480} ), 
    List = create( wxListBox, {Main, -1} ), 
wx:add_item( List, "Item One" ) 
wxMain( Main ) 


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6. Re: wxEuphoria add items to list box

Thanks for the namespace fix...

I get an error message.. bot not as detailed as yours..

I choose to use the wxListCtrl..

list2 = create(wxListCtrl,{db_group,-1,5,24,130,268}) 
void = insert_list_column( list2, 0,"       Family/Surname",0,130) 
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