1. Case statement in manual
- Posted by andi49 Dec 04, 2013
Forked from Re: EuGTK 4.7.5 available
Perhaps you can also fix the website's help system. The front page of openeuphoria.org has a code snippet involving the use of "case", but like almost every other reserved word, if you type in "case" to the Search box, you get nothing back. "Case" is not found. There's no data on it. It's not in the Euphoria manual. I have mentioned this before.
I support this.
'case' should refer to the switch statement like 'fallthru' does.
Also 'label' should' refer to something useful in the manual.
Does someone has to create a ticket for this?
2. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Dec 04, 2013
Forked from Re: EuGTK 4.7.5 available
Perhaps you can also fix the website's help system. The front page of openeuphoria.org has a code snippet involving the use of "case", but like almost every other reserved word, if you type in "case" to the Search box, you get nothing back. "Case" is not found. There's no data on it. It's not in the Euphoria manual. I have mentioned this before.
I support this.
'case' should refer to the switch statement like 'fallthru' does.
Also 'label' should' refer to something useful in the manual.
Does someone has to create a ticket for this?
I've periodically reported this issue for years, since this site was made. In the past, if you recall, i was so eager to fix it that i archived RDS site in Tiggr, in a irc bot written in Euphoria, unzipped and indexed every word in every user contribution, plus the help files, made them available, and i got pretty much shit on for it. The powers that be here do not want *me* to fix it, and they won't fix it, but they are waiting on anyone else to do it.
Aside from Kat's suspected persecution complex, I must be missing something, because when I tried searching 'case', 'fallthru' and 'label' using the OpenEuphoria's website search feature, I got a result which pointed to an entry in the manual that was helpful. So it doesn't seem broken to me.
What exactly is it that you want to see when you use these terms for searching?
3. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by useless_ Dec 05, 2013
Aside from Kat's suspected persecution complex, I must be missing something, because when I tried searching 'case', 'fallthru' and 'label' using the OpenEuphoria's website search feature, I got a result which pointed to an entry in the manual that was helpful. So it doesn't seem broken to me.
What exactly is it that you want to see when you use these terms for searching?
I'd like to see more than this:
4. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 05, 2013
Aside from Kat's suspected persecution complex, I must be missing something, because when I tried searching 'case', 'fallthru' and 'label' using the OpenEuphoria's website search feature, I got a result which pointed to an entry in the manual that was helpful. So it doesn't seem broken to me.
What exactly is it that you want to see when you use these terms for searching?
Yes, it wasn't completely wrong, but it missed other places that are more informational. When searching, I got the formal syntax for switch. That's a good link, but it would be nice to get the "see also" link there that goes to the switch statement documentation.
I forget all of the details, but when we went to using tex to generate pdf, the way we output anchors changed (switched from before to after or vice versa), and it broke the way we generated the index for the documentation, which is what the search feature uses to search the manual.
Take a look at source/manimport.ex in the euweb repo. That's the code that adds the links into the search function. It's not nearly as good as what we had before, and Kat has pointed out other things that it fails to find (I'm sure she could dig them up, but I don't recall what they are, off the top of my head).
FYI, that utility is executed with this command line:
eui manimport.ex ../htdocs/docs/*html
Where ../htdocs/docs is the path to the html version of the manual, which can be built with eudoc and creole using the "manual" makefile target.
5. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 05, 2013
Aside from Kat's suspected persecution complex, I must be missing something, because when I tried searching 'case', 'fallthru' and 'label' using the OpenEuphoria's website search feature, I got a result which pointed to an entry in the manual that was helpful. So it doesn't seem broken to me.
What exactly is it that you want to see when you use these terms for searching?
I'd like to see more than this:
Try it now. I had a bad regex. I also think I misinterpreted the fields, so the text for the link is a little nicer now.
6. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Dec 05, 2013
Try it now. I had a bad regex. I also think I misinterpreted the fields, so the text for the link is a little nicer now.
Worse. I'm now getting no hits for some words and unrelated hits for other words.
'case' -> 6.11.8 Some Special Case Optimizations
'fallthru' -> 5.1.10 fallthru
'label' -> NOTHING
7. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 05, 2013
Try it now. I had a bad regex. I also think I misinterpreted the fields, so the text for the link is a little nicer now.
Worse. I'm now getting no hits for some words and unrelated hits for other words.
'case' -> 6.11.8 Some Special Case Optimizations
'fallthru' -> 5.1.10 fallthru
'label' -> NOTHING
Currently, the search just goes based on the text in the header. This needs to be improved obviously, especially for stuff that isn't in the header. I'll try again...
8. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Dec 05, 2013
Try it now. I had a bad regex. I also think I misinterpreted the fields, so the text for the link is a little nicer now.
Worse. I'm now getting no hits for some words and unrelated hits for other words.
'case' -> 6.11.8 Some Special Case Optimizations
'fallthru' -> 5.1.10 fallthru
'label' -> NOTHING
Currently, the search just goes based on the text in the header. This needs to be improved obviously, especially for stuff that isn't in the header. I'll try again...
OK, another update. You'll probably get lots of results now, though not necessarily exactly what you want. For instance, I get a lot of results searching for "new" but none of them are the functions in the std lib. The word is in there to be searched on, so I think there may be something related to the way we have mysql configured or the way we're executing the query.
9. Re: Case statement in manual
- Posted by useless_ Dec 05, 2013
Try it now. I had a bad regex. I also think I misinterpreted the fields, so the text for the link is a little nicer now.
Worse. I'm now getting no hits for some words and unrelated hits for other words.
'case' -> 6.11.8 Some Special Case Optimizations
'fallthru' -> 5.1.10 fallthru
'label' -> NOTHING
Currently, the search just goes based on the text in the header. This needs to be improved obviously, especially for stuff that isn't in the header. I'll try again...
OK, another update. You'll probably get lots of results now, though not necessarily exactly what you want. For instance, I get a lot of results searching for "new" but none of them are the functions in the std lib. The word is in there to be searched on, so I think there may be something related to the way we have mysql configured or the way we're executing the query.
I just found more misses and false hits.