Historical Win32Lib, Revision 9


A Windows32 wrapper library for Euphoria developers. This is probably the largest and most-used library for the Euphoria language. See http://rapideuphoria.com/win.htm#newwin32lib and http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32libex.

Bugs and Enhancments

You can submit a ticket for an enhancement or make a bug report at sourceforge


David Cuny originally wrote Win32lib in an attempt to create a platform independant GUI add-on for Euphoria.

Matthew Lewis implemented most of the common Windows controls

Derek Parnell has acted as custodian once David could no longer concentrate on the library. Since then he has reorganised the code and implemented improvements based on submissions from the many users of the library.

Christian Cuvier next took care of the library for 12 months, among other things gearing it up to recent Windows versions.

Derek Parnell is currently maintaining the library.


There is a fairly extensive collections of articles on Win32lib at http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Category:Win32lib_0_70_3


There is also an IDE called EuVide.


  • When Euphoria v4.0 has been released, Win32lib will undergo changes to take advantage of the new facilities available in Euphoria.
  • The large library file will be reorganised into a number of mix'n'match small files to make it easier to create smaller sized applications.
  • A new method of create custom built controls will be added.
  • The 'sizer' concept from wxWindows will be added.


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