Historical EuWikiEngine, Revision 1

The EuWikiEngine was created by me, Ryan Johnson with much help from Jeremy Cowgar and Derek Parnell.

I am learning so much from working on this open source project, such as different coding styles, how to use new Euphoria 4.0 syntax, how to use SVN, the benefits of using templates rather than hard-coded html, creole, css, cookies, encrypting passwords, website security, and a better understanding of html! Many thanks to Jeremy Cowgar and Derek Parnell for doing a lot of work on this project, and thanks to ^Cricket^, euphoric, ne1uno, CoJaBo, iamlost, and others who have helped test, find bugs and security holes, and give me ideas on how to improve it. EuWikiEngine is under active development because it is being used by The new official Euphoria wiki.

For more information, see http://fluidae.com/euwiki.exu?EuWikiEngine


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