Wiki Diff SampleCode, revision #10 to tip

= Prompt the user for a string

-- Sample of Euphoria Source code --
include std/io.e
constant CONSOLE = 1,

public function prompt_string(sequence prompt)
object answer

puts(CONSOLE, prompt)
answer = gets(KEYBOARD)
puts(CONSOLE, "\n")
if sequence(answer) and length(answer) > 0 then
return answer[1..$-1] -- trim the trailing end-of-line character
return ""
end if
end function

writefln("You entered '[]'", { prompt_string("Enter your name: ")})

-- Another version which gives the same results --
include std/console.e

object answer = prompt_string("Enter your name: ")
display("You entered '[]'", {answer})

= Sieve Of Erathosthenes


include std/io.e
include std/convert.e
include std/map.e
include std/cmdline.e

procedure eratosthenes(integer target)

sequence sieve
integer next_prime
integer limit

sieve = repeat(0, target)
limit = floor(power(target, 0.5))
sieve[1] = 1
next_prime = 2
while next_prime <= target and next_prime != 0 do
if next_prime <= limit then
integer startnum = next_prime + next_prime
for i = startnum to target by next_prime do
sieve[i] = 1
end for
end if
writef( "[] ", next_prime)
next_prime = find(0, sieve, next_prime+1)
end while

end procedure

procedure main()
integer n
object cmds

cmds = cmd_parse({{"l", "limit", "The largest prime to find", {HAS_PARAMETER,ONCE}, -1}})

-- Default is 50.
n = to_integer(map:get(cmds, "limit", 50) )

end procedure

main( )



= 99 Bottles of Beer


include std/text.e
include std/io.e

function cap(sequence text)
if length(text) > 0 then
return upper(text[1]) & lower(text[2..$])
end if
return ""
end function

function count_bottles(integer n)
sequence text

switch n do
case 0 then
text = "no more bottles"

case else
text = format("[1] [?]", {n, {"bottles","bottle"}})

end switch

return text
end function

procedure main()
sequence bottlecount

bottlecount = count_bottles(99)

for i = 99 to 0 by -1 do
-- Line one of the stanza
writefln("[1] of beer on the wall, [2] of beer.",
{cap(bottlecount), bottlecount})

-- Line 2 of the stanza
if i > 0 then
writef("Take one down and pass it around, ")
bottlecount = count_bottles(i-1)
writef( "Go to the store and buy some more, ")
bottlecount = count_bottles(99)
end if

writefln("[1] of beer on the wall.",{bottlecount})

end for
end procedure

= Alternative version
include std/console.e

object stanza = {
"[] bottles of beer on the wall,",
"[] bottles of beer,",
"take one down, and pass it around,"

object bottles = 99

loop do
bottles -= 1
until bottles = 0
end loop

= Sequence manipulation
include std/console.e -- for display()
include std/sequence.e -- for remove_all()
include std/wildcard.e -- for is_match()

sequence names = {"Fred Smith","Sue Jones","Arnold Kahn","Jane Smith","Ben Franklin","Frank Smith"}

display("There are [] names:\n",length(names))

for i = 1 to length(names) do -- remove the Smiths!
if is_match("* Smith",names[i]) then
names[i] = 0
end if
end for
names = remove_all(0,names)

display("Now there are [] names:\n",length(names))


There are 6 names:

"Fred Smith",
"Sue Jones",
"Arnold Kahn",
"Jane Smith",
"Ben Franklin",
"Frank Smith"
Now there are 3 names:

"Sue Jones",
"Arnold Kahn",
"Ben Franklin"

= Sequences
include std/console.e -- for display()

sequence names = {"Fred Smith","Sue Jones","Arnold Kahn","Jane Smith","Ben Franklin","Frank Smith"}
sequence family = {}
sequence others = {}

for i = 1 to length(names) do
if match("Smith",names[i]) then
family &= "\t" & names[i] & "\n"
others &= "\t" & names[i] & "\n"
end if
end for

display("The rest:\n[]",{others})
Fred Smith
Jane Smith
Frank Smith

The rest:
Sue Jones
Arnold Kahn
Ben Franklin



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