Euphoria Ticket #363: Add resource handling

For example, on Watcom you can bundle a rc file via:

wrc -q -ad myprog.rc myprog.exe 

This RC file can contain numerous amounts of valuable information to let Windows know about your app. Program name, company name, icons, run w/new WinXP/Win7 theme, etc...


Type: Feature Request Severity: Normal Category: Translator
Assigned To: jeremy Status: Fixed Reported Release:
Fixed in SVN #: 4565, 4589,4593 View VCS: 4565, 4589, 4593 Milestone: 4.0.0RC2

1. Comment by jeremy Dec 06, 2010

With eubind having problems attaching icons, I've upped the resource handling to be completed in 4.0.0RC2 so users have a way of attaching icons reliably.

2. Comment by jeremy Dec 06, 2010

Resource binding now functions with Watcom and MinGW. Not closing the ticket yet as the compiled resource file (.res) is placed in the source directory, not the specified build directory. That needs to be corrected before the ticket is closed.

3. Comment by ne1uno Dec 06, 2010

you can distinguish debug and release version attributes in an rc file

#ifndef DEBUG 
#define VER_DEBUG  0x0L 
#else /* DEBUG */ 
#define VER_DEBUG  0x1L       // VS_FF_DEBUG 
then later 

FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL used in the current rc, is not needed. that was a win16/win32 thing.

FILESUBTYPE 0x?? may have to change to specify dll, console application or application. but it would probably never override the linkers idea of what type of executable it was.

4. Comment by jeremy Dec 07, 2010

This is now completed.


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