Add the following functions to datetime.e module:
- local_to_utc( datetime x, object tz=CURRENT_TMZ)
- utc_to_local( datetime x, object tz=CURRENT_TMZ)
- get_timezone()
This takes a datetime x which represents a local time and returns the same time converted to Coordinated Universal Time - (the old GMT). It optionally takes a time zone difference for the local time. If this is omitted, the timezone set by the operating system is used.
This takes a datetime x which represents the UTC time and returns the same time converted to a local time. It optionally takes a time zone difference for the local time. If this is omitted, the timezone set by the operating system is used.
This returns the number of hours (an atom) difference between the computer's clock and UTC.
I've also noticed many useful local routines that could be made public with the addition of some documentation.