Euphoria Ticket #303: Manual as HTML (.zip and .tar.gz)

Blocking waiting on RC1 official tag.

Needs Built and Uploaded.


Type: Task Severity: Blocking Category: Distribution
Assigned To: mattlewis Status: Fixed Reported Release:
Fixed in SVN #: View VCS: none Milestone: 4.0.0RC1

1. Comment by SDPringle Nov 02, 2010

EUDOC must be changed to handle type enum and enum correctly first. See

2. Comment by ne1uno Nov 02, 2010

EUDOC must be changed to handle type enum and enum correctly first.

as origionally intended, the list of ASSESSORS would have appeared after the first enum YEARS or YEAR, then continued on with the rest of the enum.

changing the markup to list the assessors, then give each one a header normally seems better.

there is a bug, but shouldn't be blocking until eudoc, creole and other tools have a distribution. right now they aren't part of the eu4 release.

3. Comment by jimcbrown Nov 02, 2010

I concur with ne1uno. Would be nice to have the bug fixed beforehand, but it's not necessarily blocking because a workaround exists.

In any case, it's slated to be fixed before RC1, while this bug is blocked until the instant RC1 is ready, so it will get done in that order, blocking or not.

4. Comment by mattlewis Nov 08, 2010

Posted to sourceforge and linked on the downloads page.


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