Re: Just a little (another) question

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At 08:27  20/01/97 +0200, you wrote:
>I am just wondering, what everybody here programmed when he first got Euphoria?
>What that program did? (Btw, if you wrote a program that writes your name on
>the device, don't write me this one...write me something serious..:) Are you
>still programming it? Are you going to release it as SWare,FWare, PD or
>something else?

Well, the first few little programs I made were some moving demos (i.e. moving
a .bmp file around the screen using the arrow keys). After that, I decided to
see if I could make a serious game based on Nibbles (just to see if I could),
with upgraded graphics. I also added Jacques Deschene's sound coding just for
kicks. I just completed it, and you can find the game's source code at the
Official Euphoria Page. Now its time for something original. Any ideas?

>Thanks for your replies.
>P.S. Say NO to Complicated Communication Ways! (I mean IRC)

(you should thank people AFTER they reply. oh well)  Well, thank god we seen an
end to this crazy IRC topic. But did you notice since then we only had a few
letters to the mailing list. Just a thought.

The Reaper  (J. Lays)
reaper at  ........................
               . .. -||..........__......  "There are no miracles,
                . /  ||......../-- \\.::::  Just dreams that come true,
             . ..|   ||...... / o o| |.:::  By the actions of someone
               .|  _-||.......||   / /.:::: Who didn't waste time dreaming."
              ..| |..||...... -\_  \ |\-.:::
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              . .....||.....|             |.:::.......
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