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On Sun, 23 Feb 1997 16:10:45 +0100 Jean Hendrickx
<jean.hendrickx at INFOBOARD.BE> writes:

>I wrote a little function to round a number to a expected number
>of decimals. File added. But I decouver that I cannot enter more
>than 5 decimals in a atom. More decimals are automaticaly rounded
>to 5 decimals. Are there any solution ? Thanks
>J Hendrickx.
>--RONDECI.EX -- round a number at a fixed number of decimals
>include get.e
>atom vv, i, dec
>vv= 2.594567894  -- the number
>dec=3           -- number of decimal
>function rondxdec(atom n, integer dec) -- (number, nber of decimals to
>atom pivot, balance
>pivot =0.5*(power(10,-dec))
>n=(floor((n + pivot) * balance))/balance
>    return n
>end function
>i = rondxdec(vv,dec)
>? i

Instead of using ? i OR print(1, i) use
printf(1, "%.16f\n", i)

You will notice that you have truly rounded past 5 decimals.
The print statement it designed to only display up to 5 decimal places.
but printf will print up to 16 decimal places.

ONE trick to it though

atom a, b

a = 1234567890.1234567  -- 17 places just as
b = .12345678901234567  -- 17 places

printf(1, "%.16f\n", a) -- shows "1234567890.1234570000000000" AND
printf(1, "%.16f\n", b) -- shows ".1234567890123457

Enjoy. smile

--Lucius Lamar Hilley III
--   E-mail at luciuslhilleyiii at
--  I can only support file transfers of less than 64K and in UUE format.

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