Re: inpout32

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jmduro said...
katsmeow said...

And to be fair, i wrote a threaded httpd in mirc.
And an ftp uploader to a php webpage server, making dynamically created webpages here for serving from there.
And i built a cnc-able pcb driller, no way to connect it to OE.

So yea, i think i have pushed a lot of the limits of OE.
If i was coming across OE today, i'd pass it by.
There's just no way i can use OE to turn off the air conditioner.


From Windows, you're right. From Linux it's another affair. I drive my pellet stove with OE either from a Raspberry Pi or from a virtual machine on my Asustor NAS.

I must say to be fair that there is a micro-server (WPalaControl) connected to my pellet stove in between, but I could also drive a relay through a hat on my Raspberry Pi.


Even from Windows I can drive my pellet stove via the API of the micro-server. I could also drive any domotic device though an API.


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