Re: C Compilers

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axtens_bruce said...

I've just noticed that Zig offers an inbuilt C/C++ compiler. Under the hood, I think they're targeting Clang. Any appetite for targeting LLVM?

Oh I've considered it several times. But LLVM is huge and somebody needs to better streamline the scan-parse-execute cycle to make it easier to hook into the process. Plus there's the concern of having to build and bundle the bits of LLVM required for creating executables. Right now it's sort-of modular which is how the interpreter and translator use the same front end (almost) but output very different results. Hypothetically if that process were made a bit more modular, any number of "back ends" could be attached a la LLVM and its architecture. The phrase I've used in the past is "I want to take Euphoria code, chew it up, then spit it out." But a big benefit of using LLVM would be targeting an almost limitless number of platforms and architectures.


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