Re: sdl2 and ffi

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Hi Andy

Did you just replace that one instance? There are quite a few others. All surf s and rect s need to be atoms, not sequences, because all of the sdl C functions, afaict, need to have pointers sent to them, and you are trying to send a type. I may be missing something of course.

I've just recloned the repository, and it's wiped all the changes and test files I made on my local folder. Ho hum, back to the drawing board.



edit - I see that define_c_type returns an atom, which I imagine is a pointer to the block of memory allocated for the structure. The structure may need to be filled to be sent, or may be filled by the C function, but on the eu side the function still need to recieve pointers (atoms) to send to the C function of the block of memory allocated.



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