Re: Regular Expressions: find_replace_limit doesn't make all replacements
- Posted by abuaf Feb 27, 2022
Some new demo code comparing equivalent correct behaviour of find_replace_callback() . Comparative bad then good output is;
~0.013AUD~0.00%~0.000AUD~Sell~42~1 4.379MAUD~- -0.00AUD~- Energy~Minerals ~0.013AUD~0.00%~0.000AUD~Sell~42~1~4.379MAUD~-~-0.00AUD~-~Energy~Minerals
So would seem conclusive that there is a bug in Euphoria's backend implementation of find_replace_limit() . Anyone want to quickly point me to where this is on github and i'll take a quick look.
include std/regex.e function my_convert(sequence params) return "~" & params[2] --replace matched whitespace (\s) with '~' and append the first capture of non-whitespace (\S) end function regex pattern = regex:new( `\s+(\S+)` ) sequence string = "\t0.013AUD\t0.00%\t0.000AUD\tSell\t42\t1\t4.379MAUD\t-\t-0.00AUD\t-\tEnergy Minerals" puts(1, regex:find_replace_limit( pattern, string, "~\\1", 20 ) & '\n') puts(1, find_replace_callback(regex:new( `\s+(\S+)` ), string,routine_id("my_convert")) ) abort(2)