Phix syntax

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Here's something to think about:

When using classes, the syntax seems backward. For example:

Window w = new() 
w.set_name("Main") -- calls procedure gtk_widget_set_name()  
? w.get_name() -- calls function gtk_widget_get_name() - displays "Main" 

It would seem to me less awkward if it looked more like:

Window w = new()"Main"   -- sets the name, like x=3 would set the value of x 
? -- displays "Main" same as ?x would display 3 

IOW, class properties would work like normal variables. Is there any possibility that there's a way to do this?

We can already get partway there by declaring public fields:

export class Window extends Widget 
  public string name; 
  • ? works if you have previously included a line to set the public field as a part of procedure gtk_widget_set_name()
  • the assignment:"Foo" doesn't have a way to call function gtk_widget_set_name(), AFAIK.
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