Re: Phix+EuGTK

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Two more in pcfunc.e. line 206

            mov eax,[filename] 
            push ebx    --(=0) (for fild qword) 
            shl eax,2 
            push eax                            -- lpLibFileName 
            call "kernel32.dll","LoadLibraryA" 
            push eax 
            lea edi,[res] 
            fild qword[esp] 
            add esp,8 
            call :%pStoreFlt                    -- ([edi]:=ST0) 
            mov rcx,rsp -- put 2 copies of rsp onto the stack... 
            push rsp 
            push rcx 
            or rsp,8    -- [rsp] is now 1st or 2nd copy: 
                        -- if on entry rsp was xxx8: both copies remain on the stack 
                        -- if on entry rsp was xxx0: or rsp,8 effectively pops one of them (+8) 
                        -- obviously rsp is now xxx8, whatever alignment we started with 
            mov rcx,[filename] 
            sub rsp,8*5         -- minimum 4 param shadow space, and align 
            shl rcx,2                           -- lpLibFileName 
            call "kernel32.dll","LoadLibraryA" 
            mov [rsp],rax 
            lea rdi,[res] 
            fild qword[rsp] 
--          add rsp,8*5 
--          pop rsp 
            mov rsp,[rsp+8*5]   -- equivalent to the add/pop 
            call :%pStoreFlt    -- ([rdi]:=ST0) 
            mov eax,[filename] 
--          push 1              -- flags (RTLD_LAZY) 
            push 0x00101        -- flags (RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_LAZY) 
            shl eax,2           -- ref->raw 
            push eax            -- library name 
            call "", "dlopen" 
            add esp,8 
            lea edi,[res] 
            call :%pStoreMint   -- [edi]:=eax, as float if rqd 
            mov rdi,[filename] 
            mov rsi,0x00101     -- flags (RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_LAZY) 
            shl rdi,2           -- ref->raw (library name) 
            call "", "dlopen" 
            lea rdi,[res] 
            call :%pStoreMint   -- [rdi]:=rax, as float if rqd 

should be replaced with this

            mov eax,[filename] 
            push ebx    --(=0) (for fild qword) 
            shl eax,2 
            push eax                            -- lpLibFileName 
            call "kernel32.dll","LoadLibraryA" 
            push eax 
            lea edi,[res] 
            fild qword[esp] 
            add esp,8 
            call :%pStoreFlt                    -- ([edi]:=ST0) 
            mov eax,[filename] 
            push 0x00101        -- flags (RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_LAZY) 
            shl eax,2           -- ref->raw 
            push eax            -- library name 
            call "", "dlopen" 
            add esp,8 
            lea edi,[res] 
            call :%pStoreMint   -- [e/rdi]:=e/rax, as float if rqd 
            mov rcx,rsp -- put 2 copies of rsp onto the stack... 
            push rsp 
            push rcx 
            or rsp,8    -- [rsp] is now 1st or 2nd copy: 
                        -- if on entry rsp was xxx8: both copies remain on the stack 
                        -- if on entry rsp was xxx0: or rsp,8 effectively pops one of them (+8) 
                        -- obviously rsp is now xxx8, whatever alignment we started with 
            mov rcx,[filename] 
            sub rsp,8*5         -- minimum 4 param shadow space, and align 
            shl rcx,2                           -- lpLibFileName 
            call "kernel32.dll","LoadLibraryA" 
            mov rdi,[filename] 
            sub rsp,8*5         -- minimum 4 param shadow space, and align 
            mov rsi,0x00101     -- flags (RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_LAZY) 
            shl rdi,2           -- ref->raw (library name) 
            call "", "dlopen" 
            lea rdi,[res] 
--          add rsp,8*5 
--          pop rsp 
            mov rsp,[rsp+8*5]   -- equivalent to the add/pop 
            call :%pStoreMint   -- [e/rdi]:=e/rax, as float if rqd 

and in call(), line 900ish, there are two [PE64] which should be deleted (and then no need to repeat the [64] guards after the first one)

There is a mmap call in builtins\VM\pHeap.e line 1058, and a pthread_exit call in builtins\VM\pThreadN.e line 322 that may need stack alignment, but I have left them alone for now.

Otherwise (surprisingly) I think that's it for the stack alignment issues

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