Re: Budget Builder file: register.e part 1, edit 1

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-- register.e  part 1, edit 1 
include std/console.e 
include std/datetime.e 
include std/filesys.e 
include std/io.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/eds.e 
include std/get.e 
include std/convert.e 
include std/utils.e 
include std/io.e 
include std/filesys.e 
include std/math.e 
include xbackup.e 
include formtext.e 
include db_tools.e 
global sequence pos 
global integer line   
public integer autolog = 0 
public integer rec_col, key_col, budget_note_col, note_col, full_note_col,  
amt_col,bal_col, bal_amt_col, bal_bal_col, table_size  
public procedure reset_columns() 
    rec_col=1   key_col=7   full_note_col=30  budget_note_col=11  note_col=13 
    amt_col=50  bal_col=67  bal_amt_col=40    bal_bal_col=57 
end procedure 
public function is_error(integer rec_num) 
   if rec_num = 0 then any_key("\n\tERROR! aborting transaction... ") return 1 
   else return 0 
   end if  
end function  
global function bankers_rounding(atom pence, integer precision=1)  
    integer pennies, -- (or nearest 100, etc, but never nearest < 1 )  
            s = sign(pence), whole  
    pence = abs(pence)/precision  
    whole = floor(pence)  
    atom fract = pence-whole  
    if fract=0.5 then  
        pennies = whole+and_bits(whole,1)  
        pennies = floor(0.5+pence)  
    end if  
    pennies *= s*precision  
    return pennies  
end function  
public procedure truncate_note(object note, integer truncate_at) 
    if atom(note) then  note = to_string(note) 
        display("ERROR! note is []",note,0) 
    end if 
    if length(note)>=truncate_at then  
        note = note[1..truncate_at] 
    else display("[]",{note},0) 
    end if 
end procedure 
public procedure toggle_tables() 
    current_table = db_current_table() 
    if equal(current_table,REGISTER) then db_select_table(BUDGET)   
    else db_select_table(REGISTER) end if 
end procedure 
public enum D,H,M,S 
public function set_budget_key()   
integer DD, last_day, rec      -- D=1,H=2,M=3,S=4,   
sequence text, key, -- {DD,HH,MM,SS} 
    dt = now() 
    last_day = days_in_month(dt) 
    text="\n\tEnter day of budget transaction: " 
    DD = prompt_number(text, {0,last_day}) 
    if DD = 0 then DD = last_day end if 
    key = dt[DAY..$]  -- {D,H,1,1} 
    rec = db_find_key(key) 
    -- if rec with key already exists 
    -- within database subtract 1 second from 
    -- key and try again 
    if rec then 
        loop do 
            dt = datetime:subtract(dt,1,SECONDS) 
            key = dt[DAY..$] 
            rec = db_find_key(key) 
        until rec < 0 
        end loop 
    end if 
return key 
end function 
public function balance(integer rec) 
sequence data 
atom bal = 0 
    for i = 1 to rec do 
        data = db_record_data(i) 
        bal += data[$] 
    end for 
return bal 
end function 
-- end register.e part 1, edit 1 

Regards, Ken

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